Chapter 8 -Final-

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Chicken Brent galloped as fast as he could through the tunnel to the Western Blowhole as the roasted chickens raced after them.

Sam and Bella were on his back, the former still having her allergic reaction and checking her radar while the latter tried to slow the chickens down by throwing food in their direction.

"Manny, we're on our way, hurry..." Sam groggily informed through the com link between her and Manny.

"Be prepared, because we're being chased by roasted chickens," Bella added, wiping her tear-stained cheeks again. "I mean... Look at all those chickens..."


"Hang on, Sam, Bell, I'm circling the blowhole," Manny reassured, adeptly steering over the western blowhole and heading away to circle back around.

Suddenly, a bunch of food hit the top and underside of the wings, causing Manny and Steve to turn their attention to the window.

"Was is das?" Manny muttered in confusion just as Steve jumped onto his face.

Steve jumps up onto Manny's face, then hides under the seat.

"Scared," he whimpered, leaping off to hide under the seat.

On the wing, a least a dozen giant-sized Gummi Bears pulled themselves onto the top, starting to tear it apart.

Manny tries to get control of the plane again but it starts to plummet. Steve slowly raised his head to look out the window, his face going from terrified to shocked glee when he spotted them.

"Gummi Bears!" he spoke.

In his eyes, he saw the Gummi Bears staring at him with sparkles around them. "Play with us. Play with us. Eat us. Eat us,"

Steve jumped up to the hatch, opening it to stare down at the Gummi Bears. "HUNGRY!!!" he let out a battle cry as he leapt down onto the wing.

"Steve. HUNGRY! HUNGRY! GUMMI BEARS!" He cried, devouring the Gummi Bears and ripping apart their cute bodies, which caused heads and limbs to fly off.

But as he was doing this, the plane was still in a tailspin.


At that moment, Chicken Brent reached the end of the tunnel, Sam barely conscious.

Chicken Brent and Bella looked around but there was no sign of Manny or the plane anywhere.

"MANNY?!" Bella called out.

"Ohhhh, Manny where are you?!" Chicken Brent yelled, worried.


On the plane, Steve ripped out the heart of a yellow Gummi Bear and ate it, the yellow bear flew off the plane.

Behind him, a white bear picked up a red bear's head and placed it on himself. Steve glared, turning around to start a tug-of-war against it.


Back in the Western Blowhole, Brent and Bella looked back fearfully as the roasted chickens got close.

"Oh, holy honey!" Bella exclaimed.

With no other choice, Brent leapt out of the blowhole into the air, screaming as the three plummeted down below.

Luckily, Manny managed to fly in at the last second to catch them, causing the three to slam into the windshield.

Raining Sunshine: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs {Flint x OC} [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now