Chapter 32 | the realisation

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Y/n woke up next to Mattheo who was tangled into her body, both cuddled up tightly. The warmth from the bed was comforting for Y/n and she sighed before looking out of the window at the sky. The Dark Sky... what was happening to Hogwarts?? Everything was dark and gloomy.
She shook Mattheo up ..
"Matt.. babe.. MATTHEO.." she panicked, Mattheo woke up with a fright, he looked up at her and pulled her onto his lap and hugged her tightly.
"look-" y/n pointed out at the sky and looked back towards Mattheos shook face.
"fuck.." he mumbled, before y/n turned to look at him, she looked down with worry.
"we need to go find the others now.." Mattheo picks y/n up and then walks away from the bed and places her on the desk chair.
He walks into the bathroom and quickly brushes his teeth and puts on his robe.
As Mattheos doing this y/n puts her hair into a tight ponytail and places her robe on.

Mattheo then takes y/n's hand and they rush out of his dorm and down to the Great Hall..

As they enter, the whole school is sat and all eyes turn to the couple. Y/n looks down as they walk slowly to the Slytherin Table.
Y/n sits next to Pansy and Mattheo's next to Theo.
They all sit in silence as Dumbledore makes a speech.

"Hogwarts is in danger..." Dumbledore shouts across the hall.
"I must warn you, this castle is under control of the dark lord himself and we can't control it anymore. All Lessons are cancelled until further notice. We need to protect this castle like it's the last thing we'll DO!..."
The Hall goes silent and everyone looks down, the feeling of being under attack isn't something you should get use to.
Pansy gripped tightly onto Y/n's hand.
Dumbledore suddenly turns around to face the teachers..
"Minerva, you go and place Guards outside the castle and put a spell above the castle to keep it safe until we can get more help.."

"yes master; and we're will you be may I add?" McGonagall asks.
"I've got some business to attend to. "
Dumbledore storms out of The Great Hall and everyone is now talking to one and other..

"QUIET ALL OF YOU.." shouts McGonagall.
She clears her throat before yelling agian.
everyone freezes, before the students rush out of the Great hall and begin to gather help..

Dumbledores POV;

I wonder up to the very top of The Astronomy Tower and look below at my dearest home Hogwarts.
I realise how much of a home I've made this place, taking care of it for many years.
I feel the strong wind blow strongly. The fear of loosing this place forever was life threatening.

Suddenly as the winds got stronger and stronger, a pair of footsteps began climbing up the stairs to the top of the tower were Dumbledore stood.

"ah, hello Draco.." spoke Dumbledore before turning around to look at him.
Draco took his wand and pointed it straight at him.

"draco.... years ago I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices"
He continues..
"please let me help you.."

Draco begins to get more and more upset

"I don't want your help!!"
"don't you understand.."
Dracos breathing gets heavier
"I have to do this.."

"I have to 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹 you" he shakes.. "or he's gonna kill me.."

Bellatrix and others rush up the stairs and enter...
"well..  look what we have here.."
Bellatrix goes behind Draco and whispers in his ear.
"well done Draco!"

Dumbledore speaks.. "Good Evening Bellatrix."
"I think introductions are in order, don't you"

"love to,Albus, but I'm afraid we're all on a bit of a tight schedule"
She turns to Draco and mumbles
"do it.."

Another Death Eater Pipes in..
"He doesn't have the stomach, just like his father.
Let me finish him in my own way"

"NO! the dark lord was clear, the boy is to do it"
Bellatrix interrupts.
"this is your moment, do it!!"
"go on Draco.."
"NOW...!!!!" She demands, Bellatrix is impatient.

Draco trembles, his wand shaking before hearing.
Snaps walks behind Draco and looks at Dumbledore firmly.

"Severus.." Dumbledore mutters..,


Suddenly.. it snaps..
"Avada Kedavra.."
Dumbledore falls down off the tower and everyone falls into silence..

Dumbledore was officially, Dead.

disclaimer: end part I used script from the movie!!!

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑂𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 | Mattheo Riddle x Y/n Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن