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Alyssanne was lying down with Aegon by her side. "Just a few days and you'll be able to attend council meetings," Aegon said to her. Alyssanne chuckled and said, "When the baby is born, they'll need their mother." 

Aegon smiled warmly and replied, "And our other three will need you too. You're their world."

Alyssanne mused, "For Visenya, it's the opposite. You are her world."

Aegon chuckled softly and said, "She's a sweet one, always following me around. I suppose I'll have to be extra careful for her."

Alyssanne grinned, "She adores you, Aegon. You're her hero."

Aegon smiled affectionately and replied, "I love her too. It's a privilege to be her hero."

Alyssanne said, "Nyke jorrāelagon ao, Aegon,"

Aegon replied, "Nyke jorrāelagon syt, Allie," expressing his deep love for Alyssanne.

A Kingsguard knocked on the door and announced, "Your Graces, Prince Aemond is departing for Storm's End."

Alyssanne turned to Aegon and asked, "Why are you sending him to Storm's End?"

Aegon replied, "We need allies in case Rhaenyra and the Blacks decide to attack us."


It was evening, and Aegon had gone to an emergency council meeting. Alyssanne stayed behind with their children—Vaenya, Visenya, and Aerion.

Vaenya looked up at her mother with wide eyes and asked, "When will Kepa be back?"

Alyssanne replied, "Your Kepa has work to do, my dear. Why don't you play with Visenya and Aerion?" Vaenya nodded and then went to join her younger siblings.

Aegon rushed in, looking tense. "Aemond made a mistake," he said urgently.

"What did he do?" Alyssanne asked, sitting upright with concern.

Aegon explained, "According to Aemond, Lucerys was also at Storm's End. Aemond provoked him because of the eye Lucerys took from him. Lucerys tried to escape on his dragon Arrax, but Arrax spat Dragonfire at Vhagar's eye, which angered Vhagar. Vhagar ended up devouring both Lucerys and Arrax."

Alyssanne said, "Rhaenyra is going to come after us for the death of her son."

Aegon nodded gravely. "I know. We need to prepare ourselves. This could ignite a full-blown war."

"This will ignite a war, Aeggie," Alyssanne said firmly. "As long as our children are kept out of harm's way, we shouldn't rush into declaring war."

Aegon gently caressed her pregnant belly and replied, "I hope they do too."

"I'm serious. If anything happens to our children, I will not hesitate to put Rhaenyra and Daemon's heads on spikes," Alyssanne declared firmly.

Aegon looked at her with a serious expression. "I understand your anger, Allie. We will do everything in our power to protect our children and keep them safe."

Fire on Fire // Aegon II TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now