2 - The Trip

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The ride to Hogwarts was rather fun, I ditched Draco and met up with my friends I had met the previous year, not including Cedric.

"Eeek! Girls!" I squealed, seeing my friends. "I missed you all so much!" I took a seat next to Trixie, who was as hyper as usual.

Over the time gone, I had been influenced by Draco a lot, but not enough to make me a sour puss.

Trixie immediately hugged me, I found that odd, as she had seen me during the break. Ella had her nose in her book as usual and Charlie was doodling on her hand.

"So, how were the breaks for everyone?" I asked, getting Ella to look up and shrug "It was alright, Germany is the same as it usually is, I don't want to talk about it" she explained briefly.

She looked back down to her book, the book looked very boring. It was titled Jane Eyre, I had seen a copy or two in the library at Malfoy Manor.

Charlie put her pen away and smiled "Mine was good! It's always nice to hangout with mum and dad" she beamed.

Hearing the joyfulness in her voice gave me satisfaction, I was still worried about Ella, due to how out of it she seemed.

"So, how was your break Trix?" questioned Charlie, Trixie looked from me to her, as if I should know how her breaks had been.

She just gave a faulty smile and mumbled "Yeah, it was good" with a small shrug, I frowned, all I knew was that her mother was locked up. Not too sure of her father.

Charlie looked at me expectantly, it took me a moment before realising she was looking for an answer as to how my break went.

"Oh! Yeah, I practised the Piano, with Draco interrupting me time and time again. Went to the gardens every so often, boring stuff" I hummed.

Ella's interest was immediately taken from her book "Piano? You play the Piano? That's so cool!" She exclaimed.

Nodding, I added "Yeah, I do, the Malfoy Manor has an instruments room, and I tend to practise in there" and with that, her eyes seemed to glisten with excitement.

"You better show me or I swear on my mothers life Snape, I will murder you" she said with such seriousness it sent a chill down my spine.

I looked away and nodded "Great, noted, I will be showing you once I find a piano!" which put a smile on the little 'saints' face.

Just like that, the smile was wiped away and she was straight back to reading. I grimaced, how could a girl like that be so joyful one moment, and numb the next.

The journey seemed to drag on, nobody really spoke, Trixie had fallen asleep, Charlie was drawing, Ella was reading, and I was sort of just sitting there, thinking about nothing and everything.

A frail voice spoke slowly "Anything from the trolley dears?" My focus was broken, I looked up and as expected, it was the Trolley-Witch!

We all went to decline, but I then remembered, Narcissa had given me a fair amount of Galleons for the trolley when It came along.

"Wait, We will have four licorice wands, four sugar quills, three pumpkin pasties and a chocolate frog please" I said, knowing that Ella hated pumpkin came in handy.

The Trolley-Witch handed me the lollies and I handed over the galleons in exchange for it. "You really didn't have too" Ella said with a timid smile, pushing her glasses up on her head.

I handed out the sweets to everyone "I wanted too though" Trixie was basically jumping with joy as I handed her some.

"EEEEEEE! You are the best!" She jumped at me in a hug, I just laughed at her satisfaction

Charlie smiled at me "Thanks alot y/n" I returned a similar smile "It really isn't an issue"

We started to chow down on our lollies, I was nibbling on my sugar quill as I looked out on the scenery as it passed by.

"Are you excited for the school year?" I asked my friends, I was kind of excited, another year of classes and magic.

With that, it also meant another year of drama and chaos with 'the boy who lived'.

Trixie nodded "Very" she mumbled with a mouth full of sweets. Ella gave a small nod, her nose still in her book.

Smiling Charlie said "Yeah, somewhat, I miss my friends at home, but hey, Algebra doesn't beat magic"

Ella laughed, putting her bookmark in her book and nodding "I agree, Maths sucks"

Both Trixie and I shared puzzled looks "What's Algebra?" I questioned, Ella gave me a tight mouthed look.

"The worst form of maths to exist, they merged letters and numbers together" she explained. Trixie looked a tiny bit disturbed by the explanation Ella had given.

"Who does that?" Trixie exclaimed, "Muggles" I replied with a bored tone. Charlie nodded with a breath.

"That's what we do" she hummed, Hogwarts seemed much better than a place that mixes letters and numbers into one subject.

We all went back to our own things before Trixie seemed to just blurt out "What's muggle school like?"

Her question got me wondering too, what were muggle schools like? Were they similar with just different subjects, or an entirely different vibe, I'd only ever read about muggle schools.

Based on the book Matilda by a muggle author, they are absolutely horrid.

"Some are similar to Hogwarts, most schools aren't sleepaway schools, and some are closer to prisons, or azkaban" I grimaced at Charlie's description of some schools. Azkaban was awful and only for the worst witches and wizards.

"Really? that's awful" I said in an upset tone, Ella sighed and shook her head "Azkaban is far worse, some schools are just worse, keep the kids on a very strict schedule and treat the kids with harsh punishments" she explained, making what Charlie had said make so much more sense.

Trixie tilted her head with a look of confusion "So, Ella, your dad is a wizard and your mums a muggle right?" Ella gave a curt nod.

"So, how come you went to a muggle school if your parents knew there was a chance you could be a witch?" Trixie said, in an almost interrogating tone.

"My two elder brothers both weren't wizards, so they sent me to a muggle school in case I wasn't so I wouldn't miss out on the muggle life skills" she explained, it made perfect sense.

"So do you suspect you're the only child in your family who is magical, or have your brothers started showing signs of magic?" I inquired.

She seemed to think for a brief second before saying "My little brother Jonah has been showing signs, so we think he'll be starting here at Hogwarts next year, sadly, but nothing on the twins"

Charlie smirked "Unlucky to have siblings, the rest of us have no siblings...well I do, he just is in his twenties and we don't talk often.." After that had been said, a dull mood had arisen within the carriage.

We all went pretty silent after that, all seeming to have the same thought of not knowing what to say next on our minds.

We still had roughly an hour left of the train ride, we all went back to entertaining ourselves in whatever ways possible.

Charlie was drawing, Ella was reading and had moved onto another book now, Trixie was asleep and I was writing away about how the train ride had gone so far in my diary.

After what felt like ages, the train came to a stop, and we got our luggage from above our heads, nearly hitting each other too many times than we'd like to admit, and played the waiting game to exit the train.

In order to get to the castle, we did something we hadn't done last year, we had to get onto these carriages that seemingly pulled themselves.

"These Thestrals are cute" Trixie said in awe of something that wasn't visible to me.

Ella, Charlie and I all had a shared look of confusion, but Charlie was the one to break our silence.

"Trix, there's nothing there?" she peeped, Trixie simply shook her head and explained "Thestrals are magical creature, it has the ability to fly, and only those who have seen death with their own eyes can see them"

I was highly disturbed by the thought Trixie had seen someone die before, none of us dared to question her, we just sat in silence.

The trip was fairly short, and we were instructed to go to the great hall, where the sorting ceremony for the new first years was to be held shortly.

The first years seemed so little, but I had to remind myself, that's what I was like a year ago, small and scared.

A good chunk of the new students seemed worrisome about what house they'd end up in.

As the sorting was about to happen, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley burst into the hall and rushed over to the Gryffindor table.

It hadn't occurred to me that they weren't even here, it should've as it was much quieter than usual without those two chatterboxes.

They apologised in a swift breath and let the sorting commence.

Hufflepuff hadn't gained too many new members, but we welcomed them with bright smiles.

Most of our new Hufflepuffs seemed to be rather shy, it's expected though, they'd get used to it soon enough.

Once the feast had concluded, the prefects led the first years to our common room.

We went up to our dorm to unpack and both Charlie and Ella let cats out of their carriers, Trixie and I both had owls with us.

Trixies owl was a tawny owl, and mine was a small black Long eared owl, Charlie's cat seemed to be a tiny wild cat, and Ella's was orange with little stripes.

"What are your cats breeds and names?" I asked them, Charlie smiled "This is Lucy, she's a bengal cat and she's two years old" she said petting the cat who was happily curled around her feet

."And this is Sandstorm, she's an orange tabby and is five years old, what are your owls names?" she asked in return.

"This is Pepper, my long eared owl" I replied, "And this is my Tawny Owl, Oak" Trixie chimed.

We all exchanged smiles and talked about what we thought the year would bring and about classes as we unpacked our suitcases and got ready for bed, knowing we'd need a good sleep for the upcoming school week.

-Word Count [1786]-

Finally back with another chapter, writers block has been getting to me.
Please excuse how slowly these come out, schoolwork has been piling up recently and I havent gotten around to writing.
I'll try and publish as much I can these upcoming 2 weeks.

- Estelle <3

The Little Snape [Draco x Reader] Book 2!!! (2nd year)Where stories live. Discover now