Chapter 4 Reflections

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Lucina and her new Master, Markus Cyton, entered the Nexus together, coming out the other side into a new and vast realm. Lucina gazed all around looking for anything at all but all she could see was a thin layer of mist that seemed to go on forever, far beyond the reach of her sight and imagination. Her body began to cease up, drawing in the Nexium of the new realm, absorbing its power, and altering her very being. "Welcome to the Realm of Tranquility," Markus introduced, "one of the very few realms we've discovered where time is drastically different." Lucina caught her breath while Markus was spouting on. "You will get used to that in time," he assured her, regarding the slight overwhelming feeling of drawing in Nexium.

"It hurts," she informed him telepathically, holding her hands on her chest.

"I know, Lucina-"

"But it's also..." she interrupted him to finish, "exhilarating."

"It is," he agreed. "This is the perfect place to begin your training. It is calm and peaceful, quiet and beautiful, the best place for a little bundle of anxiety such as yourself to clear your mind and focus."

Insulted Lucina pouted, "I'll show you 'little bundle of anxiety'," in the mopiest tone of voice she could think. Just now realizing, Lucina raised her foot and asked, "Why are we standing in water?"

"Pay no mind to that, there is moister everywhere, but it will not get you wet," he informed her.

Lucina leaned down, parting her hair back so it would not touch the water. She tried to cup the strange liquid, but it went straight through her hand. Leaving no trace on her skin. "Woe, that's weird." She splashed the water about, flailing her hands, only for them to remain dry.

"Shall we begin?" asked Markus, using his power to raise the marble floor beneath the liquid to chair height. Markus took a seat then raised a marble pillar for Lucina. "Take a seat and make yourself comfortable, then I want you to let everything go, clear your mind, let it be as open and tranquil as this very realm." She took a seat across from Markus watching as he closed his eyes and crossed his legs, finding a comfortable position to meditate. "Your first lesson, and the most important, is to find balance and guide the Nexium within you into a state of equilibrium."

"Easier said than done," Lucina sassed.

"Unfortunately," Markus replied. Lucina tried to be as comfortable as Markus, trying many different positions, peeking through the cracks of her eyelids to check on Markus. The wise Drifter remained still and quiet; unflinching. Finally, she sat on her knees and put her hands together. She bowed her head down in prayer and listened for God's reply.

"That is a strange stance," Markus pointed out, "is it really all that comfortable?"

"Not exactly, this is just how we prey," she admitted. "My dad always said it helped him, so I thought I'd give it a try."

"Does it actually help?" he asked, unconvinced, "because you seem even more tense, like you are being watched stringently. The thought of impossible expectation weighing heavy at the forefront of your mind. But whose? The god's or perhaps your father's?"

"Stop," she peeked at Markus.

"Stop what?" he asked, curiosity piqued.

"Stop... trying to psychoanalyze me," she clarified with a slightly annoyed tone in her thoughts.

"I have taught many Drifters, plenty of which believed in a multitude of gods," said Markus. "Some of them believed in gods that were ever watchful, this made them tense and paranoid, anxious and on edge, to be constantly pried at by a being they perceived as their creator and absolute ruler. But the saddest part was that they were led to believe that being under constant surveillance was a good thing, that it kept them on the right path in fear of the consequences." Lucina seemed confused, having never contemplated her faith from that perspective.

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