Apollo Justice
"Well, Prosecutor Gavin, thank you for sharing this evidence with me. It's been really helpful to put the pieces together." I straighten out the files in my hand and get up from the extra chair. Klavier smiles and plays with his hair.
"No problem, Herr Forehead. The one thing I crave is the truth. Even if 'the truth' is sharing evidence with the defence, Ja?" He rises from his chair and grabs a packet of them chocolate thingys Ema eats. Why does he have them? He places his hand on my back and we start walking to his office door.
"Why do you have them snacks Ema eats?" I ask. He snickers and locks his door behind him. He puts his key in his breast pocket, resting his hands on his hips.
"She left them in my office when she was delivering fingerprints and I felt the heroic need to return them. Simple gesture." He says, waving his hand around. He really is full of himself.. maybe that's the charm. I guess I would be if I was an international rockstar who gets paid like a million every week.
"Oh, okay." I mutter, turning to press the elevator button for the floor we're on. I'm actually glad I got the same case as Klavier because he's.. more truthful than other prosecutors. He doesn't care about wins or streaks. Only finding the truth. I think he knows my client is innocent but he needs to address every possible way before the ruling which is fair. It's literally his job.
The elevator opens up and he offers to let me in first. I chuckle and walk in with him behind me. He presses the first floor button and steps back, watching the doors close. I check through my files just to see if I've forgotten anything that could be useful. Autopsy... Fingerprints... Security camera foota-
"Was zum Teufel?" Klavier says as the elevator shakes slightly and stops. The lights flicker and I can tell something is wrong.
"Did the elevator just malfunction?" I ask. He looks around weirdly then turns to the buttons. Yes- we can just see if there is a help button! I walk over to see if there is one and he steps back, shocked.
"Why does this elevator not have a help button!?" He says, repeatedly pressing the first floor. I pull his hand away and tut.
"That won't help. I'll just call someone to help us." I sigh as I pull my phone out of my pocket. I press the call icon but before it loads a black screen appears. Wow! Just amazing. It's dead. I point at the drained battery logo and Klaviers eyes widen.
"Can you use yours? Mine just ran out." I say shoving it back in my pocket. He starts to scratch his head and chuckle slightly.
"About that.." I swear to god Klavier.
"I kinda left it in my office, Ja?"I stare at him blankly. WHAT. So does that mean I'm gonna stay here forever now!? Is that all my life has come to!? Getting stuck in an elevator with Klavier freaking Gavin. He sighs and leans on the hand bars. I literally cannot.
"Best make ourselves comfortable. Regarding the time which is approximately half 9 pm, it means we might be stuck in here for a while." I pull my face down while groaning and drag my back across the wall. Why. WHYYYYY. I see him sit down next to me in the corner of my eye. I hear a packet rustling and chuckling.
"You know, Herr Forehead.." he mutters. "If I had to pick someone to get stuck in an elevator with, it would probably be you, Ja?"
Yep. That totally helped. It's not because I hate him. It's not because I dislike him. It's because of this stupid tingly feeling I get around him. I can't stand it. It distracts me all the freaking time. I force out a laugh and see him place the open bag of snacks in the middle of us.
"Aren't they Emas..?" I ask, a smile creeping onto my face. He grabs one and places it in his mouth, shrugging before leaning back. We both start chuckling slightly and I take one to try out. I pop it in my mouth and it's like... Chocolate covered pretzels.. but not at the same time? They are pretty good.. I don't blame her for always eating them.
"They're good right? I was shocked too." He says, grabbing another one. That is right.. I've seen him stealing some after a trial so that's when he must've tasted them.
"You know.. maybe this isn't so bad." I mutter, sort of embarrassed for admitting it. He chuckles and leans on his hand, staring at me sweetly. Oh god... This fluttery feeling is coming back..
"I think I could stay in here for a while if you're here, Herr Forehead." He giggles.
"Yeah until we run out of air."
"Wow, ruin the mood, it was nice and romantic then!" He says. What..? What? WHAT? ROMANTIC??? Oh god, I feel my cheeks getting hot.. his head tilts slightly and he giggles again.
"That easy huh? Ja, this will be quick." He quietly mutters. What'll be quick..? I'm scared now..
We sit in this silence which isn't awkward but not exactly chill. I place my files on the elevator floor next to me and lean my head back. Klavier sighs next to me and lightly chuckles.
"After we get out, I'd like to maybe take you out to dinner sometime. Is that all good, Herr Forehead?" He says, smiling genuinely. I freeze up. Is he asking me out for a date? No- it's just a friendly outing with a coworker. I can feel my bracelet tighten because I'm lying to myself..
"So like uhm.. a date?" I mutter. He smirks and nods his head at me. I feel my stomach do front flips and I wanna just turn to kiss him but why would I actually do that? Its not like I'm in a wattpad story or anything!?
"Klavier.." I say. Should I tell him now..? Would he say yes..? Probably not.. but maybe if I get it off my chest, he'll stop making me feel this way. He cocks his head to my sudden change in demeanour.
"Ja?" He shuffles slightly. "What's up." he says. I take a deep breath in. I'm Apollo Justice and I'm Fine! ...
"I uhm.. when I'm around you, I feel a certain way. Like I can't function around you because I'm not used to it. Like really unnecessary feelings.. But I've realised, what if they were nessesary? And I don't know how to explain it but I feel like I enjoy spending time with you in a different way that with Trucy or Mr Wright."
I open my eyes that I didn't even know were squeezed tight. I turn my head to see Klaviers red face. He's just staring at me and his eyes are wide. Oh god... Did I upset him? He takes a deep breath and his face relaxes.
"By what I just heard, it sounds like you're in love Apollo."
I sigh and put my face into my hands. I start cussing into my palms and shake my head.
"I know you don't think the same b-" I feel my chin get lifted up by something and a warm tingly sensation on my lips. Is he- ...
We pull away and I graze my lips with the tips of my fingers. DID HE JUST KISS ME?! I feel all my body heat go to my face and get a lump in my throat.
"I'm in love with you, Apollo Justice."
I feel my cheeks turn damp. Klavier jumps up and starts apologizing for 'making me cry'. I start laughing. He paused with a worried expression but soon joins in. He presses his forehead to mine and holds my cheeks. We might be in a fanfic..
I jump into his arms and he wraps his around my torso. I didn't really expect myself to be hugging Klavier Gavin on an elevator floor crying but here we are. I feel a sort of rumble and it feels like we are finally going down again.
"Ah! Perfekt!" He says, clapping his hands together. He helps me up and I grab the files from the floor. He places his hand in mine and gives it a reassuring squeeze. Now we're standing in a comfortable silence.
The doors quickly open and I see Trucy and Mr Wright looking a mix of relief and shock.
"POLLY!" Trucy jumps at me and wraps her arms around my torso. Klavier chuckles and ruffles her hair. She then pounces of Klavier muttering things like 'you didn't deserve that!' or 'So sorry you were stuck in here!'. I step out of the elevator and Trucy and Klavier follow.
"Hey, Apollo. You okay? I know it was only like 30 minutes but do not trust elevators." I don't know why he's saying that like h- Ooooohhh.. I think he's mentioning D-L6. That makes sense..
"Let's get outta here, guys." Mr Wright says before holding Trucy's hand leading her out. They walk ahead of us but Klavier grabs onto my hand, stopping me from going further.
"Apollo." He mutters. "May I call you Schatz?"
Schatz..? What does that mean? Eh it can't be bad.
"Yeah sure. I- I uhm.. I'll see you in court?" I say and he nods. He pulls me close and quickly presses our lips together. I close my eyes and laugh slightly.
"Bye, schatz." I wave behind me at him but he looks confused. His eyes widen.