𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚

15 2 13

My books thudded against the desk as I placed them down, my head throbbing.

Shit, I forgot my medicine.

I internally sighed and sat down in the rough leather chair. The professor was talking about something boring to do with astronomy.

Don't get me wrong, I love astronomy. But for some reason I get bored of it easily during class time. Something about the way the Irish professor's spit launches all over the space in front of him as he speaks, or his accent that at times can be hard to depict.

Well, that really isn't it. It's probably the fact that my life is so boring that astronomy is the only thing that takes up my time.

My best friend Minho spends his time chasing healthy habits.. and girls. He is a tank when it comes to fitness and plays practically every sport.

I don't like admitting it, but I definitely envy Minho. He is a healthy jock that everyone loves. I'm just the nerd that gets weird looks when I walk down the halls.

I often get judged for my 'unhealthy hyperfixation' on astronomy, as some say. You see, astronomy has always been something I've favoured, even as a little kid.

I've never wanted to be an astronaut, but something about the way the stars work and how our universe intertwines perfectly interests me. I love studying the true depth of the stars and how they perfectly align.

I realise that I have completely zoned out as I hear the Irish accent coming back.

'Newton, what is the latest discovered planet?' The professor, Mr Janson, asks impatiently.

My brain flashes for a moment before I can process an answer.

'That would be TOI-733b, sir. It has been described as a 'mini Neptune'.' I say, my voice trailing off. I accidentally start blabbing off about random things about this planet, such as the fact that it's approximately 245 light years away from Earth and is nearly 6 times the size of it.


As the class ends, I pack up my stuff. During that lesson, I wrote done hardly anything. I already knew everything discussed. I need to remind myself to get Ms Paige to put me in the higher class. This work is too easy. I walk down the halls to Ms Paige's office when suddenly I am distracted by Minho.

'Hey, Newt. How did class go?' He asks.

'Boring, as always.' I walk away from the office and done to the cafeteria with him. Yep, I've completely forgotten to talk to Ms Paige. That's what happens when you forget to take your medicine.

We sit down on the lengthy silver lunch table. Next to us is Aris. I may be referred to as a nerd, but after people meet Aris, the nicknames for me usually stop.

Aris is a very strange guy studying arts. He often keeps to himself, but when he's comfortable, he gets very chatty. Extremely chatty.

'Hey Newt! Hey Minho! What's up! Wanna see my new art piece? I really like this one this time!' His high-pitched voice, despite being 19, squawks.

'Not today, sorry, Aris. I have a really bad headache, and I'm just not in the mood.' I apologise.

Aris let's out an 'oh' and slumps his head. I do my best not to show the relief on my face.

I don't mean to be rude, but Aris is very talkative and annoying. Aris keeps quiet for the rest of lunch.

'So, got any assignments yet?' I question Minho while biting down on a carrot stick.

'Yeah. There's this one where we have to interrogate a bunch of kids on their personal experience of athletics. Nearly done with that.' Minho replies.

'Sounds boring.' I say halfway through, taking a breath.

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