The Rotten Branch

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-This story was also written by doraaa764 and EChO1111111111111 . Check out their profiles!
-I tend to post chapters later than them, so if you want the earliest releases, then you can go to their accounts. (Because I forget to post here and there, or I use the scheduled feature thing.)
-You guys can play along with the book in the comments. You'll see what I mean further down the line. (Not you guys, Echo and Dora though, because you guys already know the answer >:(.)
-I normally will not be writing A/N sort of stuff/Author's Notes, as, well you already know I hardly do so. This book will also feature the A/Ns of Echo and Dora, if they write any. Or we may just not have it.
-I am extending this right now because I feel like doing so.
-We are currently writing this book alongside "A New Dream" (Echo and I), and for me, I'm also currently writing it alongside, "Dreams Who Never Come True." Sometimes, you'll see those books updated instead of this one.
-Lastly, I hope you guys enjoy reading the book!

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