Their Sacrifice ~

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In the quiet of the night, they wait
For the soldier to come home late
Their hearts filled with love and fear
Hoping he'll return safe and near

The family's sacrifice is great
But they stand strong, never irate
They support him with all their might
Sending prayers through the night

They miss him more than words can say
But they know he's fighting for a better day
So they smile through the tears
And conquer their fears

Their love for him will never fade
For the soldier, they have made
The ultimate sacrifice, with pride
Their hearts forever by his side 💕

So let us honor the soldier's family
For their strength and bravery
Their sacrifice will never be in vain
For their love will always remain


I always feel proud of the soldiers but rather than that I have seen the bravery of their family from being very very close ! Whenever I think about them I am just like emotional and once during such a time I just wrote an poem dedicated to them.

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