35 - lauren's return

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- Lauren -

"Am i hallucinating?" The question escaped her mouth and i immediately forced her into another hug. "Oh my god, Maddy! No! My stupid little girl!" I positioned her face back in front of mine, tears streaming down both our faces.

"Audrey! We can't call an ambulance. They'll have every right to put her in a mental hospital from knowing she tried to hurt herself." I whipped my head towards her and said.

"What do we do then?!" She dropped down on the sand herself with pure worry across her face. "Do you have a close doctor in your contacts? Anyone! As long as they keep their mouth shut and don't snitch to the police!"

"I- ehh," i watched her pull her phone out, stressfully scrolling through it and i took the chance to look back at Maddy.

"No! Sweetheart! You can't sleep right now!" I tapped on her cheek, knocking her out of the state. "Maddy! Listen to me now! You'll have to stick your fingers in your throat and vomit. We have to get those pills out of you." I explained, receiving a light nod back.

"Okay! Yes! Right! I have this friend i know from back in high school. We don't really have a bond anymore but she lives here." I heard Audrey confess.

"Perfect! Call her! I'll pay if needed! Just call her and say that we'll be waiting at your house."

- - -
I carefully shut the bedroom door behind me and walked over to the bed, seeing as Maddy is tucked in the sheets as warmly as possible.

"God, sweetheart. Why did you do that yourself?" I kneeled down just in front of her whilst asking. "My dumb little girl." My finger tucked the few strands of hair behind her ear with a smile.

I slowly leaned closer and laid a peck down, the sudden wave of warmth escaping from her lips but i pulled away, letting her sleep after the tragic event.

"But that was fun! Best times since high school." I heard Diana speak as i shut the door behind me. "What are we cheering about here?" I asked, sitting next to them on the couch.

"Oh, remembering old times but i apologize, i don't think it's best time to talk about them now. But is Maddy asleep? Everything okay with her?" The doctor asked and i forced up a light smile.

"She seems okay. Well yes! Asleep but i hope she will be fine after waking up." I said. "Maddy will be, Lauren. Diana said that the action of you making her get those pills out of her was the main thing that saved her besides pulling her out the water." Audrey explained.

"Thank god." I gave out an exhale, letting myself ease out after hearing those words. "Yeah, so what exactly happened though? From what i hear, it was a suicide attempt, right?" I heard the woman ask and i immediately pulled out my wallet.

"Let's not ask questions." I sat the prepared cash next to her. "Well i'm still sort of responsible. It's not like it was an accident. It was planned."

"But we can make an exception, can't we? No one saw what happened either so as long as you don't notify the police either, everything will be fine." I grabbed out extra money and sat it on the stack.

"Okay, okay. Audrey is my old friend so we can work this out but this is too much! This was a friendly helping hand and i'm not seeking to make money out of this. Especially such a tragic case." Diana split the cash and handed half back however i forced it away immediately.

"All of that is for the sake of coming here and helping so please take it just so i don't feel guilty on not giving back." I explained and watched her give in.

"Well since i'm done here and you both can look after her, i'll just go then." Diana said and stood up. "Yes! Of course! You have things to do of your own and Audrey and i will surely be here." I lead her towards the door whilst speaking.

"The girl will be asleep for a couple of hours and of course needs to rest but afterwards make sure to give her water, soft type of food, anything that she needs."

"Okay. Will take note. Thank you again." I responded and shut the door just behind her. "This was definitely not how i imagined today to turn out." Audrey spoke out right after.

"Either did i. Why hadn't you told me she was feeling so miserable?" I made my way back to the couch, asking. "Lauren, i had no idea! Yes, she was honest and said that she's struggling to sleep but never would have i thought that she was struggling with something more deeper as suicidal thoughts."

"Okay, whatever. I'm not about to look for who's at fault. It's obvious everything turned out like this from just her own parents."

"That's where i have to agree with you. The poor thing got completely fed up and had walked from their house all the way to here. I was shocked from seeing how desperate she was to get away."

"I should have been quicker. Of course i'm not some detective so it took time to find your number to try and get to Maddy through you. If you wouldn't have moved either then i would have got here sooner. Maddy obviously graduated so couldn't meet her at school and going to her parents house is an obvious answer on why i couldn't."

"I understand. Maddy said that her dad had taken her phone away after finding out you both had been texting so that's why she hadn't been answering you."

"Really?! Oh my god! I literally thought she was done with me, that's why she hadn't been answering! Like just gave up on hearing that someday we'll be able to see each other." I threw my hands on my face with pure surprise, realization hitting me about it.

"No, Lauren. She never forgot you. Never have i seen Maddy so in love that she rather decide to give up from not being with you than move on."

"This whole thing just turned out like pure chaos. You should have said that you knew i was coming so Maddy wouldn't have gotten to the last thing she thought was best. But you know, i think i'll be going too. I want to bring Maddy to the new place before midnight so she can rest properly." I stood up and made my way back to the bedroom.

"Will keep me updated, right? I'll be able to come over too?" Audrey asked from following behind and i spread smile. "If you'll have time to drive 6 hours and back then go ahead. You truly were Maddy's comfort person from the very beginning and there's no way i'll be able to take that place."


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