9. to drain a vampire

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"They're gonna drain a vampire?" I asked with an airy laugh. "Whoa, won't somebody think of the irony?" I was promptly ignored.

"What do you mean they wanna drain him?" Tara asked, placing a hand on her hip as her head cocked in disbelief. "What does that even mean?"

"Like, they want his blood! I dunno, apparently you can sell vampire blood? It goes for a lot of money? Who fucking cares! Where is he?"

"I dunno," Tara rushed out, clearly feeding off her sense of panic as her eyes rounded. "Sooks, the fuck? What's goin' on?"

"I don't know..." I noticed the way Sookie's words dripped with chilling terror, her doe brown eyes pierced with thoughts of the absolute worse. I could immediately relate to her, and without realizing it I stepped forward.

"Well, we can go-"

"No!" The shrill had returned to her voice, and she nearly broke out in tears as she looked at me with wild hysteria. "No! Absolutely not."

"Sookie, fuck off. I'm going with you." Tara declared, glancing down at me with a small shrug. I scowled. "Gimme a minute while I get my coat-"

"Tara, I said no!" Her tone rose to a shriek as she impatiently raked a hand through her hair. "Shit, shit. Tara, no. I need you to stay here. Cover for me, I'm just seein' where they went off to so I can call the police wit' a location, okay?" She reached around to untie the back of her apron with trembling hands.

Tara wasn't convinced, "Sooks-"

"Tara, seriously." She took her best friend's hands with pleading mercy. "Please? I need this from you. This ain't even 'bout what happened in Sam's office, but I need you to cover for me, keep him off my back. We went to high school with Denise Rattray, 'member? I ain't intimidated by that crack-whore."

"Sookie..." It was Tara's turn to beg.

"Listen, Jason got a chain in his trunk. It's still parked her after this morning. If anything goes wrong, I'll be good." Sookie glanced over her shoulder at the parked dark red Toyota, hiding in the shadows towards the edge of the lot. "I need to do this myself, okay?" Her eyes darted to me for a moment, "You know how Bellefleur is acting with this whole Maudette business, if he gets called in 'cause a full on fight between three women, a vampire, and Mack Rattray, all us are goin' to jail. Who knows what his crazy ass would pull with us already in custody? I can talk to him just by myself, if it gets to that, but I can't have you goin' to jail 'cause of my problem." She added as an afterthought, "Both y'all."

Finally, I chimed in, because all of this felt so damn ridiculous with a very obvious solution, "The vampire can take care of himself-" I began, but was immediately cut off with a dirty look.

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