Chapter 1: The Search

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It has been about several hours since my son, Connor has gone missing. This case has been a strange one even in my line of work. The profession of being a police officer isn't as it seems to the general public. You can make very difficult decisions and get into situations you otherwise wouldn't get into. Just like the situation I am in. My son has been missing but the culprit has been caught. The problem is that we do not know where my son is located. I look into the culprit's eyes. His name is Luca Blanchard. He is a lanky man with long hair who speaks in a shy but confident tone. His eyes make the impression that he has complex thoughts but he puts in effort to conceal them.

"I have a question for you," says Luca. "You don't have the authority to ask me a question. I should ask you where my son is," I responded. "Why are you so bent on getting your son back? You already caught the culprit. People can always be replaced," says Luca. That statement triggers something in me. "The audacity to say that people can be replaced shows that there is something wrong with you, Luca! This makes me think that my son is somewhere suffering since you don't care about anything regarding human life!," I aggressively tell him. There is still a calm expression on his face "How can you be so mellow at a time like this?," I question him. He shrugs his shoulders. This only angers me further.

I start to think of a way to get him to say whatever he's thinking. A punishment might be too cruel. I am not the kind of person to do something like that. I wouldn't abuse my power as a police officer to go with that course of action. Even though the crime he did was too far. I start to calm down even though the statements he said were too far. "You just need to tell me where Connor is and get this over with. There's no point in fighting because you are in custody. The only reason you haven't been thrown in prison is because we don't know where you have taken my son. This only makes things worse for you," I tell him with a calm tone.

I look at his face as a smirk slowly crawls across his face. "You know why I did this right?," he asks me suspiciously. "No. Why would I? You kidnapped a teenager for no reason," I tell him as I'm starting to lose my composure once again. "The purpose for this was to make sure you actually care about him," he tells me "So this was just a test? Is there a secret camera or something? So if it's a test, do I pass? Actually I don't have to ask, just please let me know where he is," I responded to him. This makes no sense. He told me that people can be replaced but, now he's telling me that this is a test that I care about him.

This situation is confusing and makes no sense. Hopefully everything will be revealed soon. But, he is very difficult to work with. What makes me more uneasy is that he knows but I do not have a way to know what is going on in his mind. I look at his face and his expression hides everything he's thinking. "I think I have to take this in my own hands. I need to start looking somewhere. Can you at least give me a clue of what to start first?," I ask him. "Yes. He's near us," he tells me. "He's near us? That's not that helpful but I'll take all the help I can get I guess," I tell him with a confused look on my face. There's no point asking for more help. I just need to go from here.

End Of Chapter 1
Author's Note: Thank you for reading the first out of two chapters of this short story! I have been writing this story for school so I thought I might as well put it on here. This story doesn't have cussing and gore like The Eclipsed Sun cause it's for school. So I had to tone it down. I don't think it's the best but, it's good practice. The second and last chapter of this story will drop next week on Thursday. The Eclipsed Sun will continue dropping chapters after this story wraps up. Thanks for reading and I appreciate the support so far!

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