"Yea...you like yo room?" I push down on my own rising erection.

He nods and runs down the hall almost falling. "His eyes."

"Yeah, it is something about them." I agree with Khi.

"Can't say why." He folds his arms.

I shrug. "me either."


We take him to get a haircut, he cried the whole time. My barber didn't trip and I tipped him extra. Then we took him to the fountains, we all ran around in the water, chasing each other. I fell and they both piled on top of me. Then we spotted some ducks near by and little man was super exited. We fed them. On the way home he falls asleep in his car seat.

I carry him inside and lay him down in his bed, leaving the door cracked. Khi is sitting on the floor putting together a toy grill I bought Tonio. I sit on the floor beside him. "Thank you for this and agreeing to stay here with me, until his mom finishes the program."

"Today was fun with him. Kids aaight I guess, can't wait to have my own."

"We can get started tonight." I rub on his leg.

"Cario, shut up." He moves my hand. "You want kids?"

"I did." I look over the instructions for the grill.


"Now that I'm like this...I feel different."

"Why?" Khi is completely focused.

"Cause I don't wanna confuse the kid."

"I think if we are just open with our children and communicate, they gon be fine."

"I would probably want just girls."

"Because?" He wasn't letting this go.

"Feel like because of how we are, our son would automatically turn out...well, like us."

"That's not necessarily true and why would that be a problem?"

"It wouldn't but I don't want to be the reason." I sit up on the couch.

"Cario, we just having a conversation baby. Don't get annoyed." He turns to kiss my knee. "I get where you coming from because I used to have the same thoughts....let's revisit this another time?"

"Okay. Thank you."

"Welcome." He smiles.

There's is a little silence.

"When can we expect the results for the dna test?" I ask, hoping to smoothly change the course of our conversation.

"Any day now...I'm trying not to think about that shit. I don't want the baby to be mine. I wanna be done with her." I admit.

"But if it is, I know you going to step up. What if she don't won't me around the kid?"

"She ain't in control of that. You my man and you going to be in my child life and they will call you dad or whatever."

Finally Meant (Book 5 of Series)Where stories live. Discover now