"I know Sof you've been talking about her for over 30mn now" Angela sighed, getting deja vu.
"But WHY do I have to be her staff ? I am NOT one of the strongest soldier"
Angela bursted out laughing.
"Girl, you're so dramatic. You can bag her anytime any day, have you seen yourself ?"
"But she's like so tall, and the ARMS don't get me started on the arms" Sofia was done listening to any reasonable arguments, replaying on loop her interactions of the day prior with Paige.
"Look, you've got a front-row seat to your biggest crush in ages. Enjoy the view," Angela teased, trying to lighten the mood.
"But precisely! I'm with her all day and I can't do shit about it except be fucking professional and not drool over my coworkers."
"Who said anything about not dating colleagues? Live a little" Angela suggested with a shrug.
The mention of dating brought Sofia's thoughts to a screeching halt. "I'm being delusional. Paige could have anyone she wants. Why would she even look twice at me?". With a newfound determination, she headed to her office, leaving Angela dumbfounded on the couch, wondering how her roommate would survive the season.
As Sofia stepped onto the court, she made a conscious effort not to stare at Paige. But her resolve quickly crumbled when she saw Paige tying her hair back. Good lord she was being tested every day lately. Joining Lynn to prepare the preseason schedule, Sofia tried to focus on the task at hand.
"I don't want to catch anyone in my office," Sofia announced, her tone firm.
"Even me?" Aubrey chimed in, still on crutches.
"I'll make an exception for you," Sofia replied with a smile, causing Aubrey to grin.
"And here I thought I was the favorite".
"Nah I'm just scared to be on your bad side" Sofia answered stucking her tongue out to Paige.
Paige just raised an eyebrow at her and god this shouldn't be this hot Sof thought before correcting herself. Nope, we're totally fleeing this situation. She quickly disappeared in the corridor, followed by Aubrey who did have a rehab session booked.
"Alright ladies get in line" Geno's voice got everyone focused again on the game, and Sofia quickly vanished from Paige's thoughts. Or almost. As the training came to an end, Paige came to Nika who was stretching her ankle longer than usual on the sides.
"You good?" Paige asked, concern etched into her features.
Nika shrugged, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "Not sure. Felt a bit of a tug when I was guarding for the last rep."
"You should ice it or something, no?" Paige frowned, immediately sensing her friend's discomfort.
"Probably yeah"
"Want me to get it for you?" Paige offered, knowing Nika's tendency to downplay injuries.
"I know you want to find a reason to see Sof but I'll go actually, maybe she should check it out"
"You're insufferable this is not about Sof. But yeah go make sure you're good" Paige rolled her eyes, unable to suppress a smile.
"Alright mom" and with that Nika head to Sof's office.
A good scolding later, with enough anti-inflammatory gel to stun an elephant, some tape and another wonderful massage later, Nika left Sof feeling much better and reassured about her ankle. Nothing to worry about, just a normal reaction to returning to training and the need to watch out for tendonitis or something. However, as she was about to text Paige the news, knowing that she genuinely cared and was concerned for her, she was surprised to find her still on the court shooting long range shots.
"All cleared by the doctor," Nika interrupted her friend. Paige spun around with a beaming smile.
"Great, I couldn't have you out after 1 week".
"You can't get rid of me that fast, Bueckers."
"Wouldn't dream of it"
"And why are you still there?"
"To perfect my game, you know?" Paige replied with a shit-eating grin. Game my ass. Nika, knew a hint when she saw one.
"Right, of course Captain. I'll leave you two to it, sorry." And with a final chuckle she left for her dorm.
Sofia found Paige a few minutes later, still practising.
"Oye Paige, stop overworking yourself, I need a break too and I can't have you barging into my office because you've pulled a muscle or something".
"Don't worry, I got this"
"So, what are you practising?"
"Actually, I need help with my long-range shot, can you give me a hand?"
"I know nothing about basketball, but sure," Sofia stepped onto the court. Paige stopped dead in her tracks.
"Well, I can heal basketball players, I never pretended I could play."
Paige looked almost traumatised.
"Hold on. Time out. Nothing ? Forget about doubles, come here and learn how to shoot".
"Hmmm, I don't think you understand how bad I am."
"Even worse, we can't have you giving us a bad rep. Come here," Paige gestured to a spot on the floor where she could start throwing. Sofia gave it a miserable try, and another, and another. After watching Sofia run to her ball on the sidelines for a few minutes, Paige had to stop her, hesitant to laugh or take pity on the brunette who look positively defeated.
"My eyes are bleeding"
"Way to compliment a girl" Sofia joked.
"Shut up you're gorgeous. But this stance is atrocious. Raise your right arm higher" Paige snapped back, too focused on the task to realize how bold she sounded.
Whatdidshesaynow. Sofia was blushing profusely, although she did try to correct her posture.
"Alright alright I'm trying"
"Are you sure ? " Paige mocked her before dropping her own ball, positioning herself behind Sofia to demonstrate the proper stance. As she moved Sofia closer to the center, her hand rested on her hip and Sofia could feel the heat radiating from their touch through the layers of clothing. She couldn't believe how much of an effect Paige was having on her and tried to push the thought away.
"Look you have to raise this dominant hand" As Paige corrected the grip of her fingers on the ball, she bit the inside of her cheeks. I can't do this-"All right, now throw it." Paige instructed in a huskier voice than intended. Sofia gulped but followed her instructions, her back leaning on the blond's torso. She felt trapped between Paige's arms and her breath tickling her ear as she threw the ball.
Both girls held their breath as they watched it swish through the net, and Sofia couldn't contain her excitement as she yelled out in victory.
"Yayyyy" she beamed with joy, breaking contact that was becoming unbearable as she made her first throw of the night. Too excited to think about it, she turned to face Paige, I could kiss her right now,who looked equally proud, before hugging her with everything she had.
"Thank you so much, you're the best teacher.Don't let it go to your head though"
"Too late for that."
Sofia chuckled at Paige's comment, the tension between them still palpable in the air. As they pulled away from the hug, their eyes lingered on each other a beat longer than necessary, both feeling the shift in their dynamic but unable to address it directly.
"Hey, no problem. Just don't expect me to turn you into a basketball pro overnight," Paige replied with a playful smirk.
Sofia laughed, the sound light and carefree, masking the whirlwind of emotions running through her. "That would be a miracle. But seriously, thank you. I owe you one."
Paige's gaze softened as she looked at Sofia, a flicker of something unspoken passing between them. "Anytime. I'm always here to help."
They stood there for a moment, neither of them moving, both caught in an awkward dance of lingering goodbyes. Sofia wanted to say something more, to bridge the gap that suddenly felt insurmountable between them. But before she could find the words, Paige spoke up.
"We should call it a night" Paige suggested, her voice a little softer than usual.
"Yeah, I could do with some rest too."
Sofia answered a bit too late, broken out of whatever haze she'd been.
"Well, I guess I'll see you around then doc."
Sofia forced a smile. "Yeah, definitely. See you."
what do we think?