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He broke his word.

My chest felt hollowed out, the only thing remaining was the anger. Its fire burned through my veins. It gained momentum fueled by the pain of losing Spencer. I lunge at Chris my nails were now claws, razor-sharp, and deadly. My fangs extended venom dripped onto the floor burning away the wood like acid. Malcolm attempts to restrain me, but he fails as I send him flying through the wall. It's Noah who manages to restrain me, but not before I get a shot in. My claws shred his shirt. I used to be captivated by the man in front of me. Now all I want is to watch him burn. I want to be the one to set him ablaze.

Noah explains a vampire's oath is a sacred bond given as a gift by the gods that created the supernatural world. It's a way of showing humanity that we still remember where we came from. By breaking his promise, by going against his word the gods saw it as an insult. The gift was now a curse and that curse would keep us apart. His touch would cause me pain and my touch would be poison. Chris asked if there was a way to break it, a way to atone for his actions. Noah wouldn't give him an answer. He was the first vampire to break the vow.

With my transition complete there was no stopping the next wave of archaic vampire traditions. Noah fashioned a bracelet from one of his tails that would hold off the curse for short periods of time. We would be married to our mates, a mundane tradition that was carried out to show our unity. With each union, the old council would be allowed to rest. I took pleasure in watching them fall, except for Karina. She felt Spencer's loss as deeply as I had. Justin and I had developed a friendship from it. The pain in Chris's eyes as he watched me interact with the others was palpable. My heart couldn't care less. We were still in mourning.

The Devil's Estate grew quiet, the others had moved to their estates scattered across the state of Pennsylvania. Thomas was being kept in a magic-induced coma courtesy of Noah. I'd been a vampire for four months. I still wasn't used to it. The bloodlust was worse for me because of the curse. Chris showed me where the feeder room was and I'd black out each time. If there was any part of me that was still human it was long gone by now.

It was the day of my wedding; it'd been a day I fantasized about for years. I'd seen myself marrying Clio on the beach in California. I'd even seen myself marrying Spencer in the Paramour Estate. I dropped the hint once seeing the smile on his face at the thought.

I pulled up against the curb of the cemetery. I'd gone home needing to see the past. I needed to see if it incited any emotion. The hollowness and the anger were everything, what I wouldn't give to feel more. I visited my childhood home; it was mine now thanks to my Aunt Beverly. I had heard her pleading with Chris to save me. I knew it was one of the driving forces behind his actions. He failed to save my father and my mother when he easily could have. He let traditions shackle him, but he broke it with me.

I visited the bookstore, the café, and Clio's home. I didn't go in, I merely watched from the shadows. I waited for the memories to give me something. The ache in my chest was my answer, reminding me of what I'd lost before my King of Demons. I purchased flowers on the way, this would be my last stop. I wanted to wait until the last possible moment. I needed to put my old life to rest. I get out of my car Malcolm and Noah following me. They were my bodyguards; I didn't see the need for the Children of Shiva had been quiet. Desdemona went into hiding or maybe she was hunting for our ancestors. I wasn't the least bit concerned.

Malcolm and Noah kept their distance allowing me to my journey to Clio's grave. I cleared off her epitaph placing my flowers in the vase. I asked Noah to help me with a spell, one that tied my life to the flowers, as long as I remained alive, they would too. I kneel down flinching a bit at my hair brushing my red rose tattoo. When was the last time I had looked at myself in the mirror? How long was my hair? Did I even look like myself?

Destiny UnveiledМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя