Here we are in the future *side chapter*

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?: "Mother where is my pet crocodile, Julian."

Wednesday: "Thursday I told you your father was going to take him out for a walk today."

Thursday: "Oh yes I remember now, my apologies. Then where is Tuesday I need to run an experiment on him.

Wednesday: "He was under the house torturing Emma last I saw."

Thursday: 'I see, thank you mother."

Thursday bows quickly before leaving. Wednesday goes back to reading her book while eating a pickle hot sauce and peanut butter sandwich. As she takes a bite of said sandwich she hears the door open and close.

Y/n: "Honey we're home!"

Y/n said in his loud commanding but soothing voice. (He sounds like Ryan Hurst.)

Y/n, Julian, and Enid all walk in.

Enid: "Hey girl, how's Mama doing?

Wednesday: "Mama is tired and needs a foot rub. Y/n?"

Wednesday looks almost pleading like a corpse at Y/n. He rolls his eyes and drops the groceries in the kitchen before returning to her and rubbing her feet.

Y/n: "So far along are we again?"

Wednesday: "7 and a half months. And for evilness sake after this one can it be the last."

Y/n: "Sure... If you can stop wrapping your legs around me. Or allow me to wear condoms for that matter."

Wednesday: "Then an army it is."

Enid: "You hate condoms that much?"

Wednesday looks at Enid slowly before Enid realizes the irony of the situation.


Y/n: Quick reminder by the way the camera crew will be here in 20 minutes."

Wednesday: Why did we agree to let those leeches come here.

Y/n: "Because that's what you agreed to was it not, all those years ago when you asked me to-"

Wednesday cuts Y/n off.

Wednesday: "I know I know. Do you have to remind me of such humiliation."

Y/n: " Is it humiliation when you do not regret asking the question."

Wednesday: "I suppose not."

Y/n: "Where are the children honey?"

Wednesday: "Basement."

Y/n looks over at Enid as she smiles and rolls her eyes, she finishes up with the groceries she brought in, and skips over down to the ominous dark and Shadowy door. When she opens the door and goes down the stairs she hears three young tweens arguing.

Tuesday: "No you can not torture me today, it's my day to torture Emma."

Thursday: "But I need to run the experiment today or I'll never get papa's approval.

Tuesday: Oh how you gest, father loves you so. One could even argue your his favorite. *Cough* Daddy's girl.

Thursday gets flustered and tries to come up with a good comeback before switching topics and looks at Emma their oldest sister.

Thursday: Emma do you care if you're torture is pushed back to a later date.

Emma through cat tears: Why can't we be a normal family.

Parasitic love • Wednesday • Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now