Brillite curiously watches Wasket whilst leading her to a sneak peek of a rad surprise, "Hey, Wasket uh. How do you do it? Leading folks?" Wasket thinks for a moment, "How do Wasket do it? Wasket start by being helpful and friendly!" "Oooh interesting," Brillite says, "Well, here we are!!"
"Welcome my Xtreme Pahl, to the Ultimate Swimming Pool of Extreme Radical Funness™!!," Brillite pauses as Wasket basks in the glory of the coolest slip n' slide conceived by Mixelkind, even going so far as to use watlava for accessibility—a fusion of water and lava all Mixels can enjoy, "It's... a working title. And a surprise for Raddy!!"
Nearby, Carbo snuck in, wanting to see the awesome and cool blow-up pool, "I wonder what'n Mixel Land watlava tastes like..." says Carbo, dipping a baguette in the boiling yet cool substance, licking the lips of her secondary eating mouth.
"NIX NIIIX!!!," two Nixels shout, ramming into Brillite's arrow sign, causing it to spin, "What the-," Brillite regains her balance, "Oh Mixel... it's these idiots..." Wasket gives a confused glance as she hears distant munching. "Oh they're Blunt and Mohak," Brillite says, observing a calm, barely stronger-than-their-pals Mote who greases her mohawk. Blunt on the other hand just consumes a lit dynamite stick whole, being the leader of this gang, "They're from the Nixful Trio gang... or at least those who speak Nixel translated their nonsense,"
Brillite then whacks them away, going on a tangent relating to past run-ins with them, "And I just CAN'T believe they frequently appear in the Radfun District!!," Brillite complains, "Really doesn't help that we already look like an undesirable district from the other tribal leaders' eyes... and did I MENTION-"
Blunt rolls it's eyes, whistling for Mote, "NIX NIX!!" Mote rushes in, frazzled and behind as always, "Nix... nix... NIX!" Brillite freezes, seeing the remote which can amalgamate temporal clones, "Oh. Mixel." Knowing there's not many Mixels around she quickly goes through an emergency bin, looking for cubits. "NIIIIX!," Mote says, activating his remote straight away, preparing for their strongest transformation.
Amalgamation of! Nixel Baby Bottle
Wasket sighs, "Brillite, that just baby bottl-" Brillite gets nixed in mere moments, the baby bottle having sprayed her with nixing essence. After being nixed, Brillite now continues rambling. Now it's all nonsense jumble about car insurance, mixamal zoo factz and the Bazinga Event.
Wasket stops in her tracks, no longer curiously approaching but rather confounded by the cryptic lingo, "What... Wasket not know what insurance is!!! And-" Carbo tackles Wasket aside before the nixes Brillite can find her.
"HEY!," Wasket shouts, "What be big idea?" "SHHHH," Carbo shushes, putting a finger to Wasket's mouth, "That ain't Brillite right now y'hear?," she whispers, "She was nixed..."
Carbo pulls out an emergency rainbow cubit from her lack of pockets (hammerspace), gesturing for Wasket to grab it. Wasket winces, "Wasket... scared. Might murp... Wasket not know you..."
Mixopolis Mixels... they're all cowards aren't they? Carbo thinks, restraining herself from a sarcastic snapback, knowing it wouldn't help in the slightest, "Please just trust me..." she whispers, Brillite close by and directing closer, "I can smeeellll yooouuu," they say deliriously.
Wasket understands they need to act fast, putting aside prenotions and grabbing the cubit. The two get put into a gumball machine, becoming entirely new fellas! Ball Wasket OC and Ball Carbo OC. They cost 25 cents each and are now being eaten together by a pair of human teeth. The mashed up gum becomes a mix, escaping the jaw and uppercutting the individual. The mix looks down upon the Nixful Trio's antics, but looks up at the giant baby bottl- why is it a giant baby bottle. "Let's get MIXEL!," it says, exploding the baby bottle with a well-timed rockball, sending the Mixels rocketing into the sky, blasting off again! Ding.
Brillite was unnixed by the mix's raw epictasticalness.
The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 3
HumorShort stories centered around 4 Mixel tribes! The food-loving Munchos, the sporty Xtreme Spahtz, the partying Radikoolz and the internet savvy Mixtooberz! Warning: Should be read after Series 1 and 2 Credits Radikoolz/Empress Nixel/Pollyanda charact...