Volume 3 Chapter 4: Nagi's Attracted To Tsunderes?(Island Exam #4)

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Somewhere In The Pacific Ocean
Deserted Island
Class B's Base Camp
August 2nd, 2019


Me {We left class C and started heading towards class B's camp}

Kiyotaka [I wonder if it's going look like as one would expect of class B]

Me {What does that even mean?}

Suzune [Maybe so]

Me {We finally arrived there and they had 4 tents, and hammocks suspended up in the air. And a point spot right in the center of the camp}

??? [Huh? Horikita-San, and Ayanokoji-kun? What are you doing here?]

Me {Honami? So did she like not notice me? 😭}

Suzune [Your class seems to be functioning very well]

Honami [Oh, Yoshida-Kun you're here aswell]

Me {Now you notice me 😒}

Me [Nice to see you again Honami]

Honami [And to answer your question Horikita-San. It was hard at first but we made it work in the end]

Suzune [Same with us]

Honami [You guys can sit down if you'd like]

Suzune [No thanks we are——]

Me {But before Suzune could finish her sentence. I already sat down on the hammock}

Me [This feels really good]

Suzune [😒]

Kiyotaka [How many points have you guys used so far?]

Honami [Including everything we spent about 70 points]

Suzune [We spent a little less than that. But Koenji-kun retired so we lost an additional 30 points]

Honami [No one from our camp has retired yet]

Kiyotaka [Thats a good thing]

Me {Hmmm. Looking at their camp layout it seems like Chichiro and Ryuji are in the middle of the camp}

Suzune [Well, are you planning on guessing any leaders at the end of the exam?]

Honami [No. I think it's better for us to not guess anyone to not lose any points]

Me {I should try to talk with both of them and see if any of them act strange}

Suzune [Ichinose-san. Do you know where class A's camp is located?]

Me {Wait doesn't Kiyotaka already know where class A camp already is? Why is he withholding information. Is he the traitor? No he possibly can't}

Honami [Yes. I believe they are located at the cave inside the mountain]

Suzune [Thank you we will check their camp out later]

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