chapter 18

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It's Monday night and raw is starting in just an hour and I'm already in my gear with my championship by my side. I haven't spoke to Dom since Saturday since I saw him leave the judgment day.

I know Dom chose to help me but he didn't have to leave Judgment day but he said he had his reasons but for some reason, I don't believe him.

I was stretching and mentally preparing myself until I was confront by Damian Priest. I look up because he is so tall in comparison to me, which makes me a little intimidated by him.

"I know you're probably surprised to see me talking to you." He said to me.

"If you're gonna telling me Dom leaving the judgment day was my fault then I don't want to hear it." I stated to him.

"Actually, I'm not surprised that he would choose you. I know Dom and I known he's had a crush on you but we tried our best to keep him away and not fall for you but I guess it's too late." Damian says but I roll my eyes.

"Look, I didn't ask Dom to leave you guys. I actually tried to talk to him about going back. Yes, he went out there for me but regardless, I was planning to ruin the judgement day. You guys been at my neck since day one. Rhea and all of you had it coming. I was just the only one brave enough to do it."

"You think you won and gotten rid of us just because you took Rhea title and fucked Dom? Thats not how it works Princessa. todavía no has ganado, the judgment day is still a team."

"We'll see about that. adiós." I said leaving with my title around my shoulder.

Monday night raw started and I was kicking off the show as the new women's world champion. A part of the crowd wasn't too fawned of me but a majority was and I was happy either way of there reaction. Not sure what this makes me but I don't care.

"WELCOME TO MONDAY NIGHT RAWWW!" I shouted as I stand in the middle of the ring. "Last Saturday, I went into a battle with most dominant woman wrestlers in our roaster but........she wasn't dominant enough to beat me." I laughed. "This is what I call payback! Rhea didn't understand when someone has a purpose and who is willing to take everything was serious. I was only playing fair when she took Liv out for 8 months. Not only did she lost her title but Dom betrayed her as well. Now she has nothing hahah!"


Rhea was coming out but a swarm of security guards were around here as they try their hardest to keep her away from me.

"You wanna be all tough?! You wanna prove that you're the champ?! Get your ass down here right now and face me woman to woman!" Rhea shouted at me but all I did was laugh at her.

Adam Pierce came out running as he went inside the ring with me, grabbing a microphone.

"No! This is not happening right now. Rhea, you head backstage. There will be no out of control fights on this show!" Adam stated. "Rhea I know you are upset about your loss but if you want a title shot for y/n title, you're gonna have to earn it like everyone else." Pierce said and I mockingly nodded.

Rhea calmed down eventually but not before she decided to head butt a security guard before eventually leaving to backstage.

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