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Giorgio's P.O.V.

Stirring from a night ensconced in the luxury of Egyptian cotton, the vestiges of the previous night's jubilation hammered at my temples with unrelenting vigor. My head throbbed, a silent witness to the abundance of spirits that had coursed through the veins of the moonlit gala. My once agile limbs now felt as heavy as marble, each movement resonating with the echoes of last night's revelry.

"Damn, to what degree did I partake in the night's excesses?"

In the haze of my morning lethargy, a slight movement in the sea of silk beside me caught my eye. A gentle pull at the covers revealed the cause of my current state, a vision of sexyness still lost in slumber. A mischievous smile spread across my face as fragments of the evening's delights came flooding back.

A quiet laugh broke free as I recalled the night's event. The magnificent party, the encounter with a mesmerizing stranger, the intricate dance of flirtation and charm.

"Good morning," I offered to the day, my voice a blend of warmth and cheerfulness.

As I rose from the bed's luxurious embrace, I was greeted by the melodious laughter of three ladies beside me. Their morning greetings filled the room, her eyes admiring the lines of my figure, barely covered by the finest black silk boxers. My tanned skin told stories of days under open skies, my physique honed by relentless effort and discipline.

"I'll check if breakfast is ready," I announced, my words hinting at a day filled with lavish pleasures.

With that, I set out in search of sustenance and my assistant, she should be here by now.

Making my way through the richly decorated hallway, past portraits of I have no clue and gleaming wall fixtures, I stepped into the grand dining room. The morning sun streamed through the expansive windows, filling the room with a radiant light that challenged my still-sensitive eyes, a reminder of the previous night's indulgences.

"Nicole, where are you? Breakfast is needed for my honored guests and myself," I called out commandingly, my voice echoing off the marble walls.

"I'm aware, sir. The chef is preparing a brunch selection worthy of your tastes," Nicole replied, appearing from around the corner with a silk robe, which she placed over my shoulders with elegant ease. She then checked her tablet, tucked away under her arm. "Your antics at last night's event are the talk of the city, and the arrival of those three beauties at your penthouse has ignited the media. It seems even your family has heard."

"My parents should take a more relaxed view," I muttered, rubbing my forehead before settling into an ornate dining chair. "After all, I am a billionaire bachelor—such extravagances are simply part of my life. I work hard for my wealth, and I enjoy it just as passionately."

"Being a billionaire comes with responsibilities beyond mere enjoyment. You, more than anyone, should understand the workings of our society. Your actions reflect not only on you but also on our distinguished family name. Sometimes, discretion is the better part of valor," Nicole admonished, her disapproval of my recent escapades barely hidden.

To the world, I am the ultimate billionaire playboy, sitting at the top of Forbes' list as one of the richest men alive. I never miss a chance to display my immense wealth, whether through lavish parties or extravagant shopping sprees that cost millions.

"Additionally, your parents wish to see you before the end of the week," Nicole continued, browsing through my schedule. "I've spent the night reorganizing your appointments and travels, ensuring you can fly home tomorrow to meet with them. You might also want to think about what you'll say to Miss Juliana. And it would be wise to make it clear to Miss Kylie that your encounter was strictly physical."

"And who is Kylie, may I ask?"

"She's one of the young ladies you spent the night with. A descendant of one of New York City's leading real estate families. Her fame reaches both the property market and the fashion runways."

"The one with the small booty?"

"Yes, the petite one," Nicole answered with a sigh, "you're hopeless."

"Indeed," I agreed with a carefree smile.

"Such excuses won't work with Miss Juliana, though luckily, she hasn't contacted you yet. She's currently busy with her fashion advertising campaign, but I expect a storm of criticism once she learns of the situation."

"I'll deal with her concerns after speaking with my parents," I assured her, knowing she'd be more open to making amends than my parents, who are not swayed by material gestures. I was about to continue when the chef arrived, skillfully pushing a cart filled with culinary masterpieces. "Let's continue this conversation later. Please show my guests out of my room with breakfast."

"Very well, sir."she walked towards my room with her tablet in hand, doing what is typical for a billionaire playboy like myself, "don't forget to reflect this on my payroll!"

"But of course," I replied back to her, as I rested the chair, thinking what could be the reason my parents want to see me in person. This was odd, they would normally facetime me, complaining about the errors of my ways "what do they want now?

Below is how I  vision  the characters

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Below is how I  vision  the characters

Giorgio Sultan | Nicole Johnson

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Giorgio Sultan | Nicole Johnson

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See you in the next chapter!

-Iman Pharaoh

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