Chapter 7

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#Olivia's POV

Clyde stared at me and Ariel looking like he couldn't believe Bianca spanked me. He touched my butt slowly and I saw tears in his eyes.

Clyde: Olivia...

Olivia: No Clyde it's fine I'm okay

But I was totally not okay, tears were still flowing down my face and my eyes were bloody red. Clyde continued staring. I could see anger in his eyes.

Olivia: Please Clyde, it was just a punishment, I was late to class.

Clyde: Really? Cause that's not what Ariel said just now.

Ariel: She is lying! Before Mrs. Parker said she will pay her back for cheating in her history test, and today she got an opportunity to punish her. She knew the new rule next week, and used it to make Bianca spank Olivia, knowing they were enemies.

Clyde: Olivia...why...why did you have to lie? You could have find me before she could spank you.

Olivia: I don't know Clyde I'm sorry

After saying that I had a big mental breakdown I choked and choked but still cried, that was until I realised that Bianca has abused me just now, and I felt like suiciding.

Clyde: We will report to the principal. Now!

He immediately called Eric into our dorm and told him everything. Eric grabbed Bianca and while she tried to waggle away, Clyde gave her the hardest three spanks over her left and right cheeks, making her wince. 

Bianca: What the FUCK, Clyde! 

Clyde: It's all your fault! Why did you abuse Olivia?

Bianca: Because Mrs. Parker asked me to, duh!

Clyde: Okay, but don't think I don't know you spanked her in front of all the girls AFTER class

Bianca: No I didn't!

Ariel: Yes she did!

A few girls nearby heard the conversation.

Emily: Clyde yes she did I saw it with my own eyes!

Bethany: Emily's right! Ask any girl you want!

Clyde: I know, everyone knows Bianca is lying. I'm just asking.

Bianca: Come on Clyde, what do you mean I'm lying?

Clyde: *laughs* Oh I'm sure you did, stop lying. Who's your boyfriend?

Bianca: Why should I tell you—

Clyde lands a strike on her ass.

Clyde: Answer properly.

Bianca: Ugh. Fine! Ryan!

Clyde: I'll tell him what you did, after we find the principal.

Bianca: But he'll spank me!

Clyde: Sure he will, I will too. Don't think you can get away.

(So, we enter the principal's office. My butt still hurts like shit)

Clyde shouts really loudly in the office although everyone asks him to speak quietly, I guess he's really angry. I've never seen this version of him. He scares me.


He demands rudely to the principal. I don't blame him for being rude, how would you react if someone spanked and nearly killed your girlfriend?

Principal: Sir, please calm down. Sit down and tell me what happened. No swearing, please.


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