A spring touch

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Araki is immersed in the meeting, the discussion buzzing around him like distant echoes, while he reads the report and gives his input and advice. His focus, however, was abruptly interrupted by a sharp knock at the door, drawing his attention to Mr. Han with a silent yet palpable annoyance.

The assistant quickly moved on his heels and cautiously eased the door open. Araki's irritation grew, only to be met with the sight of the receptionist, her pallid face betraying the urgency of her presence. She trembled visibly, her gaze avoiding Araki's as she addressed Mr. Han with a quivering voice.

"This is really urgent, that's why I..." Her words faltered, her hand extending the note to Mr. Han, who snatched it with a mixture of urgency and impatience, swiftly closing the door behind her.

With a practiced facade of composure, he apologized to the assembled members on her behalf before retreating to his seat. During certain meetings, Araki makes it very clear to not be disturbed by any means, especially when it is their company's audits and quarterly turnovers.

Araki couldn't help but notice the subtle tension in Mr. Han's demeanor, his movements momentarily faltering before he resumed his seat with a robotic efficiency. Even as Araki continued to address the group, he couldn't shake the feeling of Mr. Han's strained calm, his pheromones betraying the underlying unease beneath the surface.

As the meeting progressed, Araki couldn't ignore the escalating tension emanating from Mr. Han. Despite his best efforts to maintain a facade of normalcy, the strain was palpable, growing more pronounced with each passing moment.

Finally, Araki broke the flow, calling for a recess, ostensibly for lunch, though his real intention seemed to be to address the pressing matter at hand.

The assistant let out an audible sigh of relief at the announcement, the weight of anticipation seemingly lifted from his shoulders. As the room cleared out, leaving only Araki and Mr. Han behind, Araki swiveled his chair to face his assistant, a single word escaping his lips like a command.


With a bit of hesitation, Mr. Han turned his laptop screen towards Araki, silently conveying the urgency of the situation. The note from the receptionist bore a message that demanded immediate attention to this email, the gravity of which was underscored by the solemn expression on Mr. Han's face.

Araki narrows his eyes as he casts a downward glance at the screen. His expression becomes grave as his eyes scan the content of the mail. His pheromones spiked a bit in response to the anger he felt.

He solemnly turns to Mr. Han, his tone brooking no argument. "Cancel my appointments for today," he commanded, his voice carrying a weight of urgency. "Get the car ready. We leave for Solace immediately."

Mr. Han sprang into action, mobilizing his assistant to facilitate their sudden departure. Araki remained seated, the weight of the email's contents settling heavily upon him. With a sharp inhale, he donned a pair of gloves retrieved from his coat pocket, a tangible manifestation of his resolve amidst the brewing storm.

With measured steps, Araki made his way toward the exit, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and strategic considerations. The email from Solace, bearing the Leader's seal, demanded their immediate attention and compliance to end the investigation on the 'mine case', yet Araki's instincts told him that acquiescence was not an option.

As Mr. Han hastened to join him at the elevator, offering to inform the central secretary of their impending arrival, Araki shook his head firmly. "No need," he replied tersely, his tone brooking no argument. "I'm not inclined to divulge our every move to the Leader at this moment."

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