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Early the next day, using the doctor's cellphone, Yoo Jin called June to inquire about the club and his sister. Through their conversation, he had been surprised to learn that the debt and issue with Na Bi's husband had all been settled the day right after the 'ghost' attack, the day Yoo Jin had agreed to the pheromone stabilization with the alpha. Eun Ha's medical bills as well as the old lady landlord and her thieving son had also been dealt with. All the issues in his life seemed to have been wrapped up nicely in one single day.

Thus was the terrifying reality of the alpha Tae Hyun's power.

Thanks to the large sum of money Tae Hyun had sent to the club and due to Liam being absent as a consequence of the 'ghost' attack, the club was temporarily closed and June had been taking care of Eun Ha along with the beta Na Bi and her eleven year old son. According to June, his sister asked about Yoo Jin often but despite that, seemed to enjoy spending time with Na Bi's son.

After having spoken with June and his sister to confirm their health and the state of things, Yoo Jin had found himself finally being shown around this place they simply called 'The Academy'. The doctor led him to a circular pavilion on a nearby peak of the mountain so that they could see the structure in its entirety.

Upon his first gaze of the Academy, it became immediately evident that the building was incredibly old. Decorative granite walls appeared to spring out from within the mountain with multistory levels and curved roofs adorned with floral and creature designs. The building blended with its surrounding natural elements, the supports carved as though true trunks of trees and in some places, real trees sprung up directly through the expansive building while reliefs of meticulously painted leaves spanned the entirety of the roof and the trimming at bottom of each floor, broken up only by the occasional image of flower or animal or legendary creature.

"Silla architecture. Incredibly rare," said Dr. Yoon as he stood beside him.

Silla? Yoo Jin vaguely remembered the term in a long forgotten history class.

The doctor smiled upon seeing the confused look on his face. "The Silla kingdom fell in 935 and this building was claimed to have been built around the 800s as were the first records of Saerims in our country," the doctor continued, graciously ignoring the dumb look on Yoo Jin's face.

"Oh," Yoo Jin replied, nodding. "Ah." History was not really his thing.

The doctor chuckled.
"What are those?" Yoo Jin asked, pointing down onto the grounds in front of the building. Wooden forms that looked like scarecrows stood in two neat rows.

"Training dummies," he replied. "For those that become hunters, physical training is just as important as mana control." Yoon paused and looked at the watch on his wrist. "In fact, it is about time we witness one of those exercises."

Just as the doctor finished speaking, a line of five young alphas came out from within the building and headed immediately for the dummies. They were all dressed in ancient warrior clothing.

"It is tradition that they've kept alive," the doctor explained. "You'll learn soon that tradition is responsible for a lot of decisions here in the Academy."

Yoo Jin turned to look at him curiously. He swore that he had heard a slight tone of censure behind the doctor's words.

"They're wearing the green robes, these would be the archers."

Yoo Jin turned his gaze back to the group and sure enough he could see the top of a bow sticking out from behind their backs. The five students had lined up about twenty yards away from the dummies. Only one woman stood apart from them. She was significantly older, small and frail, her back somewhat hunched as though she could barely hold herself up.

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