The Cosmic Horrors I Witnessed

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The Journey Begins

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The Journey Begins

The carriage jolted along the muddy road, each pothole rattling my bones and teeth. Gnarled trees clawed at the darkening sky on either side, branches creaking in the chill autumn wind. I pulled my coat tighter, shivering more from foreboding than the cold.

It had been fifteen years since I last saw my uncle Silas or set foot in the decaying New England town of Ravenwood. Not since that terrible summer when my parents succumbed to the wasting sickness that ravaged these parts, along with scores of other townsfolk. The mysterious plague spared no household and shattered many families, including mine. Uncle Silas, my father's much older brother, took me in for a time after their passing. But his increasingly erratic behavior and the eerie atmosphere permeating his sprawling mansion compelled me to flee to boarding school at the earliest opportunity. I vowed never to return.

Yet here I was, a grown man of thirty, pulled back by a desperate letter from Silas pleading for my help. He wrote of dark forces converging, of eldritch secrets unearthed, and his mind unraveling like frayed rope. I almost burned the unsettling note, wanting nothing more than to leave the traumas of my youth buried. But familial duty, or perhaps macabre curiosity, won out in the end.

The road curved around a hill and the dense forest gave way to Ravenwood proper. A once bustling village reduced to a shadow of its former self. Abandoned homes and shuttered shops lined the weed-choked streets. Paint peeled from clapboard siding and shingles hung loose like rotting teeth. The few townsfolk scuttling about averted their gazes from my carriage, faces gaunt and etched with despair. The plague's toll was evident everywhere.

At the town's edge loomed the graying stone walls and wrought iron gates of the old Blackwood estate - Uncle Silas's ancestral home and now my destination

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At the town's edge loomed the graying stone walls and wrought iron gates of the old Blackwood estate - Uncle Silas's ancestral home and now my destination. With a shuddering breath, I bid the skittish coachman stop. 

"Are you sure about this, sir?" the stagehand asked as he fetched my bags, eyeing the derelict mansion with unease. "Ol' Silas Blackwood ain't right in the head these days. Strange doings up there. Lights in the windows at odd hours. Queer folk coming and going."

I pressed a few extra coins into his palm and hoisted my luggage. "I'll be fine, my good man. He is family, after all."

The coachman shook his head, clearly doubting my sanity, before whipping the reins and swiftly departing in a clatter of hooves. Leaving me alone before the rusted gates crowned with the Blackwood family crest - a raven perched on a human skull.

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