Veiled whispers of unwritten symphony ♡

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In the quiet sanctuary of my dreams,
I wander through a world of yearning,
Where you, my dearest friend, are the star,
Radiating warmth and affection, yet just out of reach..

Your presence, a symphony of enchantment,
Lingers in the air, a sweet melody to my soul,
And in the tender embrace of my fantasies,
I dare to explore the depths of my desire..

I imagine tracing the contours of your fragrance,
Each note a whispered promise of ecstasy,
And tasting the sweetness of your lips,
A forbidden indulgence, yet too irresistible to resist..

With each imagined caress, I lose myself,
In a whirlwind of passion and longing,
And in the quiet depths of my subconscious,
I find solace in the embrace of our unspoken love..

But as dawn breaks and reality intrudes,
I am left with nothing but the ache of yearning,
For your playful gestures and fleeting glances,
A bittersweet reminder of a love kept hidden..

In the hush of night, where shadows play,
Veiled whispers weave their silent way,
A symphony of hearts, yet to be sung,
In the realm where dreams and desires are hung..

Unwritten verses, in the depths they lie,
Longing to be heard, beneath the sky,
Each word a secret, each line a sigh,
Echoing softly as the night draws nigh..

A dance of souls, in the moon's soft glow,
Yearning for love they dare not show,
In the silence, where secrets keep,
Veiled whispers of passion, in slumber deep..

But in the heart's chamber, where dreams reside,
The symphony plays, with no need to hide,
For love knows no bounds, in its silent plea,
Veiled whispers of the unwritten, set free..

So let the melody flow, in the stillness of night,
Veiled whispers of passion, take flight,
For in the heart's echo, true love is found,
In the unwritten symphony, forever profound..


God it was much longer than I expected! I didn't plan to write one like that, but I did somehow 🥲 As someone who's never had to experience that kind of feeling, I don't know how it feels..But I think some of you would know. As I imagined, is unrequited love like that? As for me I just let my symphony write itself, never forcing or searching.. For every person who has felt a feeling like that even once in a lifetime, as I've heard, I don't know about mine. Any secrets about yours? I would like to hear though 😉❤️

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