The scene begins at a flashback years ago where a younger Robbie looked to be dying on the streets. His body was bleeding and broken while he was looking up lifeless.
Robbie's Thoughts: Please... I can't die here... Someone... Anyone... give me another chance...!
???: Your soul desires vengeance. Let us make a deal.
Robbie: I wasn't born with my quirk. It was given to me by someone else. Only difference is your's is a gift, and mine's a curse.
Izuku's Thoughts: (shocked) No way. He was given his quirk?
He soon knocks out of the shock and asks what he was talking about.
Izuku: Someone gave you your quirk? Who?
Robbie: You know a lot of heroes in Japan. How many do you know in America?
Izuku: A lot. Especially ones from New York and California.
Robbie: Ever heard of the vigilante the Ghost Rider?
Izuku: Only in rumors. News reports say he targets people where they ended up dead from burns. A lot of them said their eyes were completely burned.
His brain suddenly clicked at where Robbie was going with this.
Izuku: Reyes... did you...?
Robbie: Not all of them. Majority were from the ones before me. I didn't have a choice when I was given my power.
Izuku: Why did you call it a curse?
Robbie: Before coming to Japan, I lived in Los Angeles with my brother, Gabe, and uncle, Eli. Even though I was born quirkless, I didn't want to become a hero. I didn't care for that life. At least, until 5 years ago when I screwed up. I made mistakes, and it not only cost me my life, but my brother's legs. In that moment, I made a deal and gained this powerful quirk.
Izuku: (gasped in shock)
Robbie: But it came with a price. Every time I use it, I feel more and more of my humanity getting lost. (Beat) Our limits may be different, but we both come from quirkless places. Your quirk results in breaking your body while mine makes me lose my humanity. If we fight, you should do yourself a favor and throw in the towel. Like Mr. Aizawa says: you'll be a liability if your body's too broken.
He leaves, and Izuku honestly wasn't sure how to deal with the info he had been told.
After melting the ice down, the teachers were preparing for the next round. Both Izuku and Robbie were in their separate areas to prepare for the fight. With Robbie, he was talking with the voice in his head.
???: You wish to be a hero to repent for your sins, and yet, you don't use your full power.
Robbie's Thoughts: That power comes with a price. And when you do go full power, someone dies regardless of the situation.
???: Vengeance must be brought to the guilty. There is one presence that must face judgment.
Robbie's Thoughts: If it's a villain, then we should inform the teachers—
???: No. A so called "hero" must be punished.
Robbie: I'll worry about it later. Right now, I got a fight to do.
???: You cannot win without my full strength. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you will control the Spirit of Vengeance.
Up with 1-A, some were sharing their thoughts.
Iida: Midoriya might be at a disadvantage due to him using very little of his quirk.
Arcturus: Don't count him out, yet. Izuku's smart, so he can figure out what to do.
Wanda: Yeah. Keep an open mind.
Iida: I'm not denying his capabilities. But with a quirk like Reyes's, it'll be impossible to just try and avoid the attacks.
Mina: He's got a fire type, right, Arc?
Arcturus: Yeah. He can also summon chains to use as weapons. I don't know the exact number, but I believe his fire could be stronger and hotter than Todoroki's.
Todoroki's Thoughts: Who knows for certain.
Ochaco: I hope Deku can pull through this.
Ojiro: Do you think Robbie might go easy on him?
Arcturus: Unlikely. Despite the differences in power, neither of them want to back out. If they want to win, they'll have to give it their all.
After a bit, the fight was ready to start.
Present Mic: Get ready, my party people! We got the next challenge up and ready! In the hero course, he's got one strong quirk but mostly uses it sparingly. It's Izuku Midoriya! And with his opponent: a cool guy with a fire hotter than the sun, and a power more fierce than many of his classmates. Welcome in Roberto Reyes!
Robbie: (under his breath) I told them it's Robbie.
Izuku's Thoughts: Present Mic's right about his quirk. Like it or not, I have to use One For All if I need even a chance to help him!
Present Mic: Without any further delays, let the battle BEGIN!
The alarm goes off, and Robbie shoots out fire chains towards Izuku.
Robbie: I'll end this without struggling.
Izuku: (holds his hand out) SMASH!!
With a flick of his finger, Izuku sends a shockwave that breaks the chains and nearly send Robbie back. However, it breaks his finger. Robbie sees this, and begins to see his plan.
Robbie: So that's your brilliant plan? Break your bones until you win? Well, that won't last forever!
He shoots fire, making Izuku move around and firing another smash, breaking another finger. Deciding to change it up, Robbie moves in close quarters to fight, making the two fight. Ashely they battled, Robbie's head starts getting painful.
Robbie's Thoughts: My head! It's killing me! But why?! Why is it whenever I see—
His distraction was broken by Midoriya punching him in the stomach, sending him back. But at the same time, Robbie uses some fire to try and burn Izuku's forearm. Robbie nearly falls out of bounds when he stops himself and Izuku holds his forearm in pain. It wasn't seriously hurt, but definitely gonna need to head to Recovery Girl after this.
Izuku's Thoughts: He stopped for a moment. Why is that?
Robbie: Why are you doing this, Midoriya? You know you're only gonna break yourself before even coming close to beating me. Do yourself a favor and throw in the towel.
Izuku: I won't! This fight's not nearly over!
Those words triggered a memory for Robbie when he was a kid.
A younger Robbie was in a fight with some street gangsters and it looked like he was getting beaten up.