Chapter 1

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The rain lashed against the expansive windows of the Kim mansion, a relentless rhythm that seemed to echo the frantic beat of Jungkook's heart

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The rain lashed against the expansive windows of the Kim mansion, a relentless rhythm that seemed to echo the frantic beat of Jungkook's heart. Inside, the air crackled with nervous energy, a stark contrast to the luxurious warmth radiating from the crackling fireplace. Jungkook perched on the edge of a plush velvet armchair, his fingers drumming an erratic tattoo against its armrest. Across the room, Taehyung, his husband, stood before a floor-to-ceiling display, pacing like a caged tiger.

Taehyung was a force of nature, even in repose. His sharp black suit accentuated his broad shoulders and lean physique, while his perfectly styled hair seemed impervious to the storm outside. But tonight, the usual glint of confidence in his eyes was replaced by a stormy frustration.

"We can't keep losing contracts, Jungkook," Taehyung snapped, his voice tight with tension. "This is the third one this month!"

Jungkook flinched at the edge in his voice. "I know, Tae. It's—"

"It's what? Just some bump in the road? We're losing money, Jungkook! The investors are getting restless, and if we don't turn things around soon..." His voice trailed off, his frustration tinged with a raw vulnerability that tugged at Jungkook's heartstrings.

Taehyung was the CEO of Kim Industries, a company built by his family for generations. It was in his blood, his destiny. Except, lately, destiny seemed to have taken a detour. The once-thriving company was struggling, facing fierce competition and a rapidly changing market. The weight of this responsibility sat heavily on Taehyung's shoulders, a burden he rarely shared.

Jungkook, ever the supportive husband, had tried to be his rock. He'd become Taehyung's sounding board, his personal therapist, his... well, sometimes it felt like everything except himself. He'd pushed his own career, photography, to the back burner, missing deadlines and letting his creativity stagnate. Weekends that were once spent exploring hidden corners of the city with his camera now revolved around Taehyung's frantic schedule - attending investor meetings, hosting corporate dinners, or simply being there for Taehyung to vent his frustrations.

"Have you had a chance to look over those marketing proposals?" Taehyung asked, his gaze flicking to a stack of folders on the coffee table.

Jungkook's stomach clenched. The proposals, he'd promised to go through them last night. But the night had been consumed by Taehyung's late-night phone call about a lost contract, followed by a cascade of worry that had kept them both awake until sunrise.

"Uh, yeah," Jungkook lied, forcing a smile. "I was just... finishing up some things."

Taehyung walked over and picked up the folders, his sharp eyes scanning them. "You haven't even touched them, have you?"

Shame washed over Jungkook. "I— I was just about to," he stammered, hating the sound of his own voice.

Taehyung sighed, a sound that seemed to age him ten years.

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