Chapter 10 - When Fanmeetings go right (Yoongi)

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There's so little time at a fanmeet, just a minute or less in front of each member so it's not the moment to freeze and say nothing although her stomach was turning over as she moved from Namjoon, to Jimin before appearing in front of the man who was causing the butterflies to soar.

"Annyeong," he greets her, eyes flitting briefly to her face with a smile before she puts the book down in front of him, dragging it towards himself and opening it to the page tabbed with his name on it.

"Oh annyeong," she replied in a rush, saying hello in her limited Korean.

"Your Korean is good but English is fine," he said as he started to sign his name, "we've all had lots of lessons now," and she was relieved because she couldn't communicate what she wanted to say in Korean, no matter how many times she'd practised. 45 seconds and counting and now it all came out in a rush as his pen paused at her torrent of words, tumbling over each other as her tongue moved too fast for her brain.

"My favourite song of yours is First Love because it reminded me how much I liked when I used to write so I've gone back to that. I write all the time, it just comes out of me now, I'm writing a book and also short stories, it's all thanks to you. You inspired me, thank you so much Yoongi-ssi."

He stared at her for a moment and she wondered if she'd overwhelmed him with her words, if he understood anything she said, blushing as she looked away from his eyes. There was so much more she wanted to say but instead paused for a moment, took a deep breath before calmly, much more calmly than she felt, managed to speak just a few more words.

"I think you're one of the most incredible men I've ever met."

He looked surprised at her honesty, hand coming to fluff the hair on the back of his head a little in embarrassment.

"Definitely talented too yes. But more than that, the amount of times you picked yourself up and kept going when it was actually just too hard but you did it anyway. So much admiration for you." She didn't even realise her eyes had filled a little with tears as she said it, blinking them quickly away. Now was not the time to let the emotions take over and spill out.

"I, ah," he said, clearing his throat, "ah, thank you." He hadn't taken her hand earlier, not that he wasn't allowed, most fans stuck it out straight away for him to take and hold. But she was his age, maybe a little older and hadn't offered it as obviously, resting it just in front of herself on the table so he'd have to reach a long way to take it. Which he did now, feeling it's soft coolness as he gave it a light squeeze, wanting to convey a lot in the touch, not knowing how. But his thumb rubbed lightly across the top of her hand and she felt it. They both did.

"You're welcome Yoongi-ssi," she said, blinking quickly a few times as their eyes met, getting the hurry on and she dipped her head in a bow as he passed the book back over to her as she slid away from him letting someone else fill the place she'd left in front of him. Not knowing his eyes flicked to her as she made her way along the line.

"I want to change things up," Yoongi said in a brief lull. Hobi looked at him with a confused look on his face.

"What do you mean Yoongi hyung?"

"Like add something in just for the fans. Can we do one of those 'BTS comes to your house for dinner' type things? ARMY would like it."

Hobi turned to look at his friend, eyeing him up and down. Yoongi had a neutral look on his face, lightly tapping his pen on the desk in front of himself. He looked unphased but Hobi knew him well enough to know he wasn't.

"Hmmmmm, something is up so my guess is one specific ARMY would like it? Who did you catch a glimpse of today Yoongi-ssi," he asked and Yoongi went to answer, another fan arriving in front of him to silence the discussion for a moment.

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