Riece, Foxy, and Onyx sit at a round table at equal distant positions from each other. Foxy has his arms crossed, Riece has his hands in his pockets and Onyx is leaning back in his chair with his head resting on the back. His gaze sticks to the ceiling. On both sides of Foxy their stand his two top henchmen. A gorilla beastman to his right and an alligator beastman to his left. Riece has Sayter to his left and the female that accompanied him to his right. Dax stands at Onyx's right while Des stands at his left. Onyx's food is sitting on the table right in front of him. Both Foxy and Riece glare at each other with imposing looks.
"Dax. Des. Grab a chair." Onyx
Dax and Des glance at each other and grab the nearest chairs. They sit on the sides they stood at and scoot up to the table.
"Hey Jack." Onyx
Jacklyn's rabbit ears stand upright upon hearing her name and she leaps from across the room. Onyx raises his head and Jack lands on the back of his chair. She squats down and leans forward over Onyx's head.
"Yes?" Jack
"Grab a veggie plate with some extra utensils for Dax and Des and come eat with us." Onyx
"Kay." Jack
Jack leaps back and gathers what she was instructed to get. Jack makes it back and sits in Des's lap. Onyx lifts the lid of the small pot to reveal his favorite dish, Pelau.
"Dig in you two." Onyx
"Thanks for the meal." Dax & Des
"Such a caring brother you are! There's nothing like family I tell you! I wouldn't exactly know since all of mine are dead but It looks quite prominent with you four being the example! That food looks quite delectable as well." Sayter
"Who's the oldest of you again?" Foxy
"That'd be the big dog Dax to my right." Onyx
"Preesent." Dax
"And since this little lady is his twin. That would make you the third of the group then?" Foxy
"Yup." Onyx
"You're pretty mature green bean." Foxy
"Only when I want to be. Now. Instead of glaring at each other, both of you should get something to eat. And feed your right and left hands while you're at it." Onyx
"I'd rather get right to business." Riece
"Business is fine and all but I'll be mixing pleasure with it. Just for today. You have anything with blackberries or greenbriers? Maybe mixed with some acorns?" Foxy
"They're on the herbivor menu. What about you two?" Onyx
The two beside Foxy look at each other unsure of themselves.
"Um. I'd like shoots if that's ok?" Says the gorilla beastman, Oba.
"I'm fine thanks. Ate before I got here." Says the alligator beastman, Cash.
"You mind putting those together for me Zoey?" Onyx
"Sure thing boss!" Zoey
"Boss? That is a sign of respect if I ever heard one. By the way can I have th-" Sayter
"I'm here because of the recent events regarding the Warrior Trials. You participated and represented both Baron and Wasomi. And from what I heard you performed so well that you took the lead straight out of the gate. That makes you talented. And since you were representing the Wasomi, that means you have a lot of talent. That kind of talent peeks my interest. You will join the hell hounds, work your way up and aspire to be in my highest ranks. I will give you time to gather your things and I will even send servants to help you transport." Riece

Troubled Kingdoms
FantasyOasis. A land filled with many regions and a multiple number of kingdoms ruled by many different races. There was a time when all of the kingdoms were at war to see who the strongest among the kingdoms are until an anomaly occurred. A secret hoard o...