!!SELF HARM AND BLOOD!! !!You have been warned!!
Tree P.O.V:
I stare at the road, then at my phone. Following the GPS slowly along the road. CJ sings along with the radio, Rocky squeaking on beat with them.
"I think...we're here." I murmur after a bit, pulling into the driveway of who I assume to be Balloony. The four of us hop out of the car, I pick up Rocky and gently place him on the ground.
"This is your house...right Rocky?" I ask the little kid. He squeaks and nods in return. I smile, "Alright then! Thanks buddy."
I walk up to the porch, Black Hole trailing behind me. "Alright! Let's do this." I say, taking a deep breath and ringing the door bell.
"Coming!" A high pitched voice says from behind the door. "NOT OFF CAMERA YOU'RE NOT!" A much deeper, more gruff voice calls out, laughing hysterically after.
"Oh my god- NICKEL!-" The high pitched voice returns. The door unlocks loudly, revealing a salmon haired person behind it.
"Oh hello! Hey Rocky!" They smile, Rocky runs up to them and gives them a hug. "Nice to meet you! I'm Balloon! Would you like to come in?"
I shrug, "I mean if it's not a bother." He smiles sweetly, "Not at all, come in!"
The three of us make our way into the house, it's cozy and warm. Plants litter the hallways as more commotion erupts from inside the home.
"BALLOONY WE HAVE GUESTS!" A small gray haired person yells. They don't look very old though...maybe early twenties?
"Wuah? Oh! Hey Rocky!" Balloony smiles as he comes down the stairs. Embracing Rocky in a tight hug. "Thanks for dropping him off Tree!"
I nod, "No problem, it was nice to meet you." I say, shaking Balloon's hand. He smiles and shakes it back. "You as well! Oh and before you go, here's a little gift for you!"
I smile awkwardly, "You don't have to get us anything-"
"Oh it's the least we can do! You brought Rocky home after all." Balloon smiles, patting Rocky on the head. "Here!" He smiles, handing me a bag of some sorts.
"You can open it whenever." He smiles, patting my shoulder. I nod, giving a polite smile back.
"Well we'll head out now. Come on Black Hole." I sigh, grabbing their hand. They nod, picking up Jr. along the way. "Bye Rocky!!!" Jr. shouts, causing Black Hole to flinch.
Rocky squeaks happily as we walk away towards the car.
Black Hole flops down on the couch and sighs. I laugh, sitting next to him. Jr. runs to the other side of the couch and grabs the remote control.
"BLUEY TIME!!!" They smile, switching on the TV and squirming around impatiently.
Black Hole groans, throwing a pillow on top of their head to block out the noise. I chuckle, patting their back, "It's okay, just a cartoon."
They nod slowly from under the pillow, "I know...I'm just tired."
I nod, "How about we open the gift that Balloon got us?" I suggest. Jr. seems to like that idea because they sprint around to go get the goodie bag.
"DAD HERE YOU GO!" He smiles, shoving the bag into Black Holes arms. He gives a tired sigh, but smiles at Jr. nonetheless. "Thanks bud."
Slowly opening the bag, reveals three little duckies in them. Jr. squeals with happiness, picking up a red duck. "DO THEY SQUEAK!??!?!"
*Squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak*
Black Hole slowly takes out a dark purple duck from the bag. "Duckie..." They whisper under their breath, squeaking it gently.
I smile, my heart fluttering at their precious display of innocence. The soft smile on their face is enough for me to fall in love all over again...
"Aww...these guys are cute!" I smile, picking mine up, a dark forest green. The soft squeaking clearly bringing us all to ease.
"I'M NAMING MINE RABBERT!!!!!" Jr. says, running to his room. I chuckle, he's so hyper...
"I'm going to the bathroom..." Black Hole sighs, rubbing his eyes. I shift a bit in my seat. "Okay...you alright?"
He turns back to look at me. A small smile on his face, genuine as always. Kind, caring.
But this one seemed off.
"Yeah...just tired." They sigh, their eyes becoming glossy. As if they were trying not to cry.
"You can always talk to me if you need anything." I say, as they walk away. They nod again. "I love you..."
They don't respond.
Black Hole P.O.V:
I'm tired.
I'm really tired.
It's not like a...need to sleep. Well I guess it is. Maybe I just want to sleep forever...and not have to deal with this anymore.
Should I...
Should I try again?
Dying...I mean
Why not? No one would miss you anyways.
That's not true. Tree would miss me. Cherry Jr. would miss me.
No they won't, you know they won't.
You're just a burden on them.
My head hurts with how much that stupid voice talks. All it does is talk. Talk, talk, talk. Always bringing me down.
Like how you bring down Tree and Cherry Jr.
I know how much I regretted it last time. I know how much it hurt them. I know how hard I've tried to get better.
I'm so tired.
I'm sorry Tree...I can't do it anymore.
Tree P.O.V:
Something is happening. Something bad.
I need to find Black Hole.
I need to make sure he was okay.
I walk swiftly to the bathroom. He told me he'd be in there.