Airport 🛬🛬

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A/N: This imagine is a bit short (like me) but still hope u like it xx

y/f/m-your favorite movie

I was on the sofa of our house, watching y/f/m as I looked on top of the tv to the clock that hung above it. It was 8:45pm and austin's flight would land at around 9:30 and since since we lived around 30 minutes away from the airport, I figured I had to get ready and leave the house if I wanted to beat the traffic.

I put on my gray hoodie and black sweatpants, grabbing my keys, phone and cap, dashing out the door and into my car. I put on the cap and lifted the hoodie over my head. Since the world now knows that I'm austin butler's girlfriend, I get mobbed at most places, including airports.

I reached the airport parking lot, parked the car, turned off the engine, and just as I stepped foot outside, flashing lights and the sound of deafening clicks of the camera overwhelmed me. So much so that the security had to help me inside.

~time pass~

I was standing near the gates as I waited for austin to step out. And then, I saw him. I hadn't seen him in 6 months. I sprinted towards him, jumping over the metal bar infront of me. I ran so fast towards him that if it were the olympics, I would've won and set a new record. I jumped onto him, his strong arms gripping me tightly, and my arms snaked around his neck. I hadn't felt this feeling in months. I felt him kiss my cheek while I closed my eyes.

He put me down and gazed at me lovingly. "I missed you so much", he choked out, holding back tears. "I missed you more", I replied, standing on my toes, kissing him. "I missed that too", he laughed. "Shall we?", he asked, showing me his palm for me to lace my hand in his. I smiled, "we shall".

I draped his jacket on my free arm since none of his were free. One of them was rolling his suitcase through the airport floors, and the other was gripping my hand like I was going to run away. He spotted his dad and lovingly hugged him as his father patted him on the back.

Austin had a huge jet-lag so we decided that us, his dad and my parents would meet up for lunch tomorrow while austin relaxed tonight. And of course I took a picture of austin as we were leaving cause why not :)

 And of course I took a picture of austin as we were leaving cause why not :)

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