Chapter 167 Fierce Battle (Part One)

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Since he had been exposed, there was no point in hiding here any longer.

Taking a deep breath, Han Li, under the dazzling shield, held a magical tool in each hand as he stepped out from behind the stone.

"It's you."

Seeing Han Li's face clearly, "Brother Lu" exclaimed in surprise. He actually recognized Han Li.

However, Han Li's heart sank slightly at the other's exclamation.

Although "Brother Lu" had only seen him once on the small mountain, amidst chaotic fighting, months had passed since then. Yet, he could still recognize him at a glance. This indicated that this person possessed either an extraordinary memory or remarkable foresight and cunning.

Regardless of which situation it was, it was not good news for Han Li.

In fact, he had faintly sensed that "Brother Lu" was somewhat similar to him in a certain aspect—they both excelled in using cunning and ruthless methods.

Especially his arrogant behavior in public, which was just a smokescreen, similar to Han Li's low-key approach. However, Han Li did not want to attract attention, while "Brother Lu" intentionally made others underestimate him to conceal his true intentions.

However, Han Li admitted to himself that he couldn't be as shameless as the other party, nor as ruthless and vicious. He had always adhered to the moderate path of being self-reliant.

Just as Han Li felt resolute in his heart, "Brother Lu" also became solemn, seeming to have realized something. His gaze toward Han Li became sharp, without concealing his murderous intent.

Han Li sighed. He had originally thought of trying to talk his way out of it, but now, seeing the other's expression and considering his cunning, there was no room for maneuvering. It seemed that only one of them could survive, so it was better not to waste words and strike first.

With that in mind, Han Li didn't hesitate. With a wave of his left hand, a steel ring emitted a strange whistle as it flew towards "Brother Lu," followed by a dark-green gourd appearing in his right hand, from which five or six blackened spheres were ejected, closely following the steel ring.

After completing these actions, Han Li didn't stop. With his left hand free, he gestured in the air, instantly conjuring several red fireballs. With a slight movement of his sleeve, he wrapped the fireballs within it and then hurled them at "Brother Lu" with a sudden flick, uttering a low "go" as he did so.

Instantly, with a wave of heat, the fireballs scattered in all directions, aiming at "Brother Lu."

This series of attacks almost exhausted all of Han Li's offensive methods without using any talismans, especially the last rapid-fire technique, which he had spent a lot of effort learning from Wu Feng. The purpose was to catch his opponent off guard and swiftly defeat him.

Actually, if he hadn't felt unfamiliar with the new magical tools and unsure if he could wield them effectively, Han Li would have unleashed everything without hesitation. After all, the new magical tools were much more powerful than the old ones.

However, almost at the same time Han Li made his move, "Brother Lu" didn't remain idle. With a flip of his hands, a large blue flag about ten feet long appeared in his grasp, emitting a faint blue light with a fierce blue dragon embroidered on it.

At this moment, "Brother Lu" finally saw Han Li's series of attacks clearly, unexpectedly feeling extremely shocked.

You should know that the reason why he had first displayed his most powerful magical tool, the Blue Dragon Flag, was to use a killing move to eliminate Han Li.

But he had never expected that as soon as Han Li appeared, he would immediately launch a fierce attack without saying a word, and his methods were so ruthless, showing no mercy.

With no other choice, "Brother Lu" disregarded launching another attack. He handed the blue flag to his right hand and reached for his waist with his left hand, pulling out a yellow talisman from his storage pouch.

He looked at the high-grade talisman with some reluctance before gritting his teeth and lightly tossing it in front of him, quickly chanting an incantation.

Instantly, Han Li's steel ring emitted a faint yellow light, charging towards "Brother Lu" in front of him.

Only then did "Brother Lu" point at the yellow talisman with one hand and loudly shout, "Wind Wall Technique, rise!"

With his shout, the yellow talisman suddenly emitted a bright light, transforming into a white hurricane, about a dozen feet high, lying horizontally in front of "Brother Lu" and blocking the path of the steel ring.

With a "pu" sound, the steel ring unceremoniously pierced into the hurricane but was immediately blown off course and sent tumbling back after a few somersaults.

As for the following spheres, they fared even worse, only spinning outside the hurricane without being able to penetrate it.

Seeing this scene, Han Li's expression changed slightly, hastily extending his finger to slightly manipulate the last few fireballs that arrived. They immediately made two large arcs and flew toward the sides, attempting to bypass the wind wall and attack "Brother Lu" again.

"Hehe! Nice try!"

"Brother Lu" sneered, deftly pinching a gesture with one hand, pointing it towards the middle of the wind wall. The hurricane immediately split into two from the middle and rushed out separately, once again intercepting the fireballs.

With several bursting sounds, the fireballs could no longer evade and collided directly.

The hurricane trembled a few times, and the fireballs were swallowed up, disappearing without a trace within the hurricane. Han Li felt horrified.

At this moment, under "Brother Lu"'s control, the wind wall merged back together, returning to its original state.

"Such insignificant tricks! You're doomed tonight, even though I don't know your name or your background. But tonight, you're as good as dead!" "Brother Lu" laughed arrogantly.

Then, he clasped his hands together and grabbed the Blue Dragon Flag once again, vigorously waving it.

Han Li felt a bit nervous. The opponent's difficulty exceeded his expectations. Such a powerful continuous attack was effortlessly countered. Although there were no abnormalities with the blue flag that "Brother Lu" wielded, judging from his serious expression, Han Li knew that "Brother Lu" was definitely not playing around with his counterattack.

It seems that not using "talisman treasures" won't work. Han Li thought coldly.

However, he couldn't refine the "talisman treasures" due to his lack of ability, so every time he used them, he had to strive for a certain amount of casting time to drive the "talisman treasures" to victory. Therefore, his own defense had to be absolutely tight.

With that in mind, Han Li glanced at the opposite side again. "Brother Lu" was waving the blue flag, which was gradually becoming dazzling, emitting a dazzling blue light, making the blue dragon on the flag even more ferocious and terrifying. It seemed that the opponent's attack was about to be launched.

Han Li no longer hesitated. With a wave of his hand, the steel ring "whooshed" back and stopped a few feet above

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