Chapter 1

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                             Running late..

"Fuck!" I groaned as I quickly ram to my class. Am already 15 minutes late.

Am not already 3 hours into my morning and this day already sucks! First, i wake up to find scratches all over my legs from my stupid cat Tres! Then the toaster isnt working so i had to go with coffee instead which i hate! And that's not even everything!

I spilled coffee on my favourite white shirt and i had to change it to this— black sweater, and also-


I fell to the floor with a huge thud, i rubbed my head as i regained my composure, "hey! Watch where your go—" my eyes widened as i stared at the woman infront of me, adrriana?

"You good?" She lent me a hand, I quickly gathered my books and stood up.

"Yeah, i am. Just.. caught a little off guard." I chuckled awkwardly before looking at her.

"We haven't hung out for awhile now, you wanna catch up later?" Her latin accent, Oh my god, we've been friends for 2 years now but everytime she talks is just a whole different thing.

Her voice is so beautiful, her accent, i could listen to her talk everyday, she was just so—

"Rumo!" I snap back into my senses as i heard my name, shit.

"H-huh? Oh," i blinked at Adrriana for a bit, before speaking, "am..sorry, i just zoned out a little." I shot her a weak smile before running behind her, just for her to pull me back into my place.

"You didn't answer my question,"

"Huh? What question?"

"We're you listening to me rumo."

I laughed awkwardly, when i found out she was serious about it. I shook my head, "can you.. repeat it again please?"

I could see the disappointment in her eyes, escaping before she sighed, "do you wanna hang out later? alorie' berries?" A slight smirk curled her mouth.

My eyes widened slightly, she still remembers my favourite cafe? I mean, why else would i love her! Ofcourse she remembers, it cant be just because—

"RUMO!" she yelled, where I snapped back into reality.

"O-oh? Sorry i zoned out."

"Again? What are you even thinking about." A hint of sarcasm egered in her tone, fuck.

"Nothing.. and yeah sure! I would love too!"

Her eyebrows lit up in amusement, she backed up before speaking, "Amazing, i'll see you then. I'll pay."

"Mhm, see ya!" I watched her as she leaves, god she's so perfect, i love her so much. She's just so perfect and—


My phone vibrated in my pocket, i rushily took it out, 16 missed notifications from Ale? What?

I clicked on the notifications, just to see Aleron yelling at me through texts.

ALEE <3: I don't suggest you coming to class cause i swear this teacher is MADD
ALEE <3: Bro skip class cause as soon as you step foot into the class this teacher will eat you alive.


I scrolled down to read all of the unseen messages, fuck! I've been too busy with adrriana that I totally forgot about class.

I panickly texted Aleron back just to not leave him on read,

Soo, do i not come to class?

1 minute,


ALEE <3: Yes. Dont.

I placed my phone back into my pocket, then turned around to put my books back.

Nope, am NOT getting a lecture about why am i late, or even getting my parents called immediately.

Oh, and if they would come.

They barely ever pay attention to me, always with "work", what'll make them come anyways?

I placed my books back into locker, closing my eyes.

I sighed, I was now going to skip class, it should be easy right? I wont get caught, or atleast i hope. Am not in for a—


I yelped as the locked door was shut close infront of me. I looked at the hands that were holding onto the locker, shit,


I turned back to face the so smirking person, i eyed him before yelling, "We already broke up! Let me go!"

"Oh but your too precious to let go off." He caressed my hair,

"YOU FUCKING RAPED ME—" I was pushed forcefully to the wall, the hard impact leaving a slight bruise on my back. I looked up to see an angered person.

"And i'll do it again." He knelt down infront of me, pinning me to the floor with one leg,

"N-no! Please! Get off!." I tried to push him off, but he was just too strong.

My mind flashed to the back-memory.

Him forcing himself on me.

Telling me to shut up and keep quiet—



Arthur groaned as the bell rang, thank god. I stared at him, wide shock as he backed up.

He stood up, He's finally going to leave, he wont do it again. Right? Yeah, he wont. I know he wont, atleast i—


Blood slightly dripped on the corner of my mouth, I quickly covered my stomach, fuck.

"Such a weakling." I could see by the corner of my eyes, they way he rolled his eyes and left.

My vision was becoming blurry, i held myself up with one hand, hoping someone would come in any minute,

Any second,



Sorry for the cliffhanger! I just didn't know how to finish off the chapter 😭 Oh well, sorry if this was short btw, i'll try to make the others longer.


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