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After the pleasant night they spent together they finally made civilized conversations or if I could add horribly funny conversations. Before, when they were walking side by side together they would scowl but now they would freely teased and made odd gestures to each other. They were completely platonic at this moment but as the time got longer they formulate a new feeling which they both had never experienced before.

They realized that both sides were not that extremely bad like what they had pictured it before. More surprisingly they got same habits, dislikes and likes such as: they hate socializing, love books, cringed when saw couples kissing, adores music and experts at playing some of the instruments. In fact Tony even promised to teach Arielle how to play pianos and as a return, Arielle will teach him harmonizing a guitar. Even so, the most significant things they did together were mostly playing a song they had chosen together. They even made a cover of few nice songs and post it on YouTube. It was trending for four days straight!

Prince Anthony or Thorny as what Arielle used to call him, rarely been seen smiling. Now the palace was usually filled with his amenable laughers. All thanks to Arielle who in this case is Andrea, a hardworking geek that was running an errand for her sister. He thought girls were all girly and holly terrors but he was wrong. He now sees people open-mindedly for the reason of Arielle sick insults and remarks on him. His sudden likeness of Arielle was all because of her herself. Like how beautiful she is even without making any efforts, he was nervous when he first met her. Moreover, she was always being herself either they were in a crowd or alone in a room. Additionally she understands him like not most people do. For example, when Thorny was pouting his lips as soon as they were instructed to attend a gala, Arielle faked a flu from out of the blue just so they can crashed in his room and play Minecraft together. It was at first odd because from his research Andrea Grace Turner was seemed like a chirpy, annoying brat. 'Maybe she was just misjudged' he thought. Even the staffs in the palace love her because she helped them whenever needed and anytime when her schedule is free. Such as helping the cook cooked breakfast, lending a hand to the guards by walking Beastie the palace's golden retriever, making her own bed instead of the maids and sometimes give few tips to the King's personal assistant on how to improve the country's economic and academic in reference from her late study in college. Now that we're discussing about that, we should recalled back the entire lesson Arielle skipped for a semester and have to restudy back the months after. She sighed heavily at the thought of graduating a month late once she reflected back.

The Real Andrea, on the other hand, kept herself occupied by making new terrific ideas on her upcoming fashion show. She prayed all day that what she had formulated would work out. She'll go out to check how things had functioned and most of the time she was fulfilled. While making a disguise of course.

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