Chapter 2

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Aditi woke up with a yawn, stretching her arms lazily as the morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in the room. With a sudden jolt, she realized it was already 9:00 a.m.

Her heart skipped a beat as panic set in. It was her first day after marriage, and here she was, still lingering in the warmth of her bed.

Frantically looking around the room, she noticed the absence of Veer. Just as worry began to gnaw at her, the closet door creaked open, announcing Veer's entrance.

Aditi's breath caught in her throat as she laid eyes on him, dressed in a formal black tuxedo with a crisp white shirt that accentuated his devilish handsomeness. She found herself gawking at him, her jaw slightly agape.

 She found herself gawking at him, her jaw slightly agape

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Veer : Good morning, Aditi.

Veer's voice washed over her, pulling her out of her trance.

She averted her gaze, feeling a blush creeping up her cheeks.

Aditi : Good morning. Sorry, I got late.

she mumbled softly, unable to meet his gaze.

Veer's warm chuckle filled the room.

Veer : It's just 9, Aditi. You're not late. Yesterday was a tiring day for us, so it's natural to wake up late. I only just woke up half an hour back.

he reassured her, his tone gentle and understanding. A smile tugged at Aditi's lips, grateful for his comforting words.

Veer : Now, get ready quickly. After breakfast, we have to go for your admission to medical college.

Veer said, his eyes filled with pride and admiration for her.

Today marked Aditi's first step towards fulfilling her dream of becoming a doctor.

Determined and excited, Aditi rose from the bed and made her way to the closet. Her eyes scanned through the array of outfits, and she finally settled on a beautiful yellow designer netted saree.

It was her first day, and she wanted to adorn herself in something special, something that resonated with her hopes and aspirations.

With careful hands, she draped the saree around her, the fabric flowing like sunlight around her form. Her long hair cascaded down her back, adorning her ears with intricate earrings.

In her hand, she held the traditional red chooda a symbol of her new beginnings. The sacred mangalsutra adorned her neck, a token of her love and commitment, and the vermillion in her hairline adorned her with auspiciousness.

Meanwhile, Veer sat engrossed in his paperwork, the rustling of papers interrupted by the faint sound of Aditi's anklets as she approached.

Looking up, he caught his breath at the sight before him Aditi, resplendent in the yellow saree, a vision of beauty that stole his breath away.

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