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A shadow falls over Viserra's lap, and Helaena frowns, her fine brow furrowed slightly. "I was sleeping, Aegon," she mutters without opening her eyes.

Viserra, who had been reading aloud for the better part of an hour, lets out an indignant whine. "Hey!"

"I mean... I was listening," Helaena's mouth twitches, and with a sigh, her eyes blink open.

The younger princess stares down at her accusingly, but her pout quickly melts up into a smile. Her aunt is not heralded as a great beauty, but in this moment, with her silver-white hair spilling over Viserra's knees and the sunlight streaming into the courtyard and landing on her freckled nose just so, she looks lovely enough to turn the head of any young lord–or lady. No wonder Aris likes her, she thinks to herself. In the few short weeks since the Blacks came back to King's Landing, Viserra and her ladies have spent much of their free time with Helaena–when Viserra isn't wrangling her unruly brothers or accompanying her mother to the king's meetings–leading to a fast-growing fondness between the dowager Lady of Gulltown and the king's second daughter. She's suspected that their friendship may be more than just a friendship, but she has yet to ask either for more details.

Aegon falls dramatically to the heap of pillows his sister and niece have been sharing in the corner of a courtyard far from the buzz and chatter of the rest of the castle. He kicks off his boots and piles his legs on top of Helaena's, tossing a word of greeting to Raya, who plays Viserra's harp softly on the other side of the blanket. "Hellie, I have a grievance I wish to air."

Helaena frowns once more and sits up. The movement stirs Sȳndor, who shakes out his ears and glances expectantly between the princesses. Raya's fingers stop, and Viserra looks up curiously. Aegon winks at her, his smile toothy and charming. "A grievance? Brother, I believe you had too much to drink last night."

"Ah, I thought I could smell wine on your breath," Viserra teases, causing her aunt to snort. The two exchange a look before appraising Aegon once more. "What were you celebrating this time?"

"Yes, I was drinking last night, but I had little to celebrate. In fact, I drank to ease my sorrows."

Viserra blinks. "Your sorrows."

"My sorrows. See, I have been robbed."

"Robbed?" Raya parrots, inching closer across the blanket. She sets the harp down and turns her wide blue-grey eyes to the prince.

He nods, indulging the younger girl's concern with a forlorn sigh. "Robbed. But the thief was no common vagabond, and the stolen goods were no simple coin purse. No, the object was priceless–and the thief was my very own sister."

Helaena rolls her eyes and closes them once more, falling back into Viserra's lap. "Don't ask him what was stolen unless you wish to hear some ridiculous pick-up line. I think I've heard this one before. Your usual tricks are growing weary, Egg."

"Is it so ridiculous for a man to want to spend time in the company of the beautiful Princess Viserra, the golden sun of Westeros?" He shakes his head and turns his unblinking lilac eyes to his niece, a mischievous glint in them.

At this, Viserra rolls her own eyes and Raya's shoulders shake with laughter. "Aegon, dear uncle, you are a shameless flirt."

"This is what you've made me, by spending all your days with my sister instead of me. Can't you spare me an hour or two, gracious lady?"

"I'm quite busy, if you can't tell."

"Reading to your ungrateful audience, who would rather sleep or play tunelessly instead of listening to your every word?" He waves a dismissive hand in the air between their faces. "Yes, I can tell. Busy with very important matters, indeed."

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