Extra Story - The Scholar (Part 3)

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"History is a bunch of lies

everyone agreed upon."

Once the entrance to the cave was covered with branches, Daemon ventured back into the forest

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Once the entrance to the cave was covered with branches, Daemon ventured back into the forest.

Some would have considered it imprudent to go walking among the trees with a group of angry Macaires at your back, but if he wasn't busy babysitting a noisy fat man Daemon knew how to make himself invisible.

After setting up a simple lasso trap and cutting into the trunk of a tree, leaving a canteen to collect the sap that dripped out of a cannula, he began collecting herbs, flowers and leaves, stuffing everything he needed into the pouch on his belt.

"Here's the last one." he said, picking some white ivy flowers.

In the meantime the canteen had accumulated a few centimeters of liquid, and just as Daemon was recovering it he heard the sound of the trap being triggered not far away; having reached it, he found a beautiful fat hare waiting for him, stuck by one leg.

"Sorry little one. Nothing personal."

He was ready to deliver the final blow, when a faint odor crept between his nostrils, triggering an alarm in his brain.

"I don't believe it." he said through gritted teeth, turning over his shoulder. "He couldn't really have done it."

He had to return. Right away. Immediately.

Having turned his eyes to his prey, he prepared to let it go, but before doing so he wanted to make a small wound on its ear, which he immediately dabbed to prevent blood from leaking.

"I just hope it works." he said as he saw it running away.

Then he ran at breakneck speed along the ridge in the direction of the refuge, while that pungent smell became stronger and stronger.

The barrier of branches was still in place, and a small gray cloud rose placidly upwards from behind, dispersing the smell of smoke all around.

"By all the gods!"

The professor believed that by lighting a fire he was doing something pleasing to his guardian by making him find a warm bed when he returned; instead, he saw it fall on him like a demon, red with anger, who seemed to want to strangle him.

"What are you doing! Turn it off immediately!"

"What!? But I..."

But Daemon didn't even have time to kick a dose of dirt on it before his hunter's senses pushed him to turn worriedly towards the exit.

"Too late..." he said, gritting his teeth, and without hesitation he threw a torch at the branches, creating a wall of fire.

Just in time, because within a few seconds they began to hear loud shouts and yells, accompanied by evident attempts by shadowy figures to make their way through the flames.

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