Chapter 10

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LeopardPaw gasped, her whole body was frozen in amazement. "I'm- we're in a prophecy! Oh FernPaw!" LeopardPaw felt the most excited she had ever been. FernPaw smiled, "Do you think BlizzardStar knows about this? he asked. LeopardPaw twitched her whiskers, "maybe not, let's wait until she knows about it and addresses the clan of whatever!" she meowed with amusement in her voice. FernPaw gave a quick and curt nod, his gaze flickered back to the hollow of the camp. "We better get back!" He meowed. LeopardPaw and FernPaw padded back through the hollow. "And where have you two been?" Growled a large and muscular tabby tom. FernPaw's face grew red with embarrassment. "Hunting! But we couldn't find any prey." The tabby stabbed his claws in the ground. "Makes sense, leaf-bare is soon" he agreed. "Fine, I shall let you go" FernPaw and LeopardPaw pushed through the hollow to the warm apprentices den. "So! The loner and the kittypet decide to come back?" Teased BurntPaw. LeopardPaw jumped at BurntPaw and pushed his snout into the muddy ground. BurntPaw shrieked and pushed LeopardPaw off him. "I'm not a kittypet!" Growled LeopardPaw, lashing her tail playfully. "You act like one!" Yowled back BurntPaw. FernPaw jumped to her side, "she is not!" He hissed, unsheathing his now long, sharp claws. BurntPaw growled back. "You're only defending her because you like her and you want the clan to like you! You're just some sort of stupid flea-pelt who thinks he knows it all!" BurntPaw snapped back, not regretting his words. FernPaw's eyes widened and he jumped BurntPaw, raking his claws down BurntPaws sides. BurntPaw gasped and bit FernPaws front leg. FernPaw growled back and tried to get his jaws on BurntPaws neck. "STOP!" Yowled a loud, croaky voice from outside the den. FernPaw jumped off BurntPaw and turned around. BurntPaw fell to his side with a high pitched whimper. "What are you doing FernPaw?!" The voice demanded. FernPaw tasted the air and recognised the scent as BlizzardStars. LeopardPaw crept to FernPaw's side and bunched close to him. FernPaw kicked dust into BurntPaw. "I'm defending myself!" BlizzardStar stomped towards him and pinned him to the ground. She sank her fangs into his flesh and feared them down his shoulder. FernPaw shrieked and jumped away. LeopardPaw gave a meow of amusement. FernPaw licked his wound with whimpers and turned to LeopardPaw. "What's so funny?!" He screeched in alarm."Go visit LionFlight, he'll give you herbs to make the scar bigger, and give you poppy seeds to help with the pain." LeopardPaw meowed. FernPaw froze. "Why make the scar bigger?!" FernPaw asked. LeopardPaw stopped laughing. "You'll learn soon, FernPaw" It was BlizzardStar who replied. FernPaw gave a nod and headed to the medicine den for some herbs. His torn flesh burnt terribly but he ignored the pain and kept walking through the clearing. "I expected you" meowed LionFlight, spitting out a jell he was making.

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