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Let's come back to a few minute's ago

Sho's strange problem got forgotten because there's no indication if someone really sent Santet or Pelet. Afterall Sho already had someone he like for a some time and the person still misterious to them, so if someone really use pelet to him she's not the person who do it and Sho also don't think about any other girls other than her. Sho also really healthy, he's so healthy that he make so many 'problem' around the school just because he's bored and his crush not there to make sure he's not doing something dumb and give the student council a head ache with his atitude.

The question now if it's not for Santet or Pelet what the prepentator behind the strange accident want to do with nails and Sho's blood? Also what the person he adore is like?
The last question make Sho's four friend more curious but even with so many time they ask him Sho don't reply them.

"Ih Sho who is it?!!"

Amu ask, she can't stand her childhood friend secretive attitude.


He replied while busying himself with filling the question from his japanese book because he's done with his school work from the teacher that suppose to teach their class but he don't come to the class.

"Meh, I'm must be still prettier than her."

Upi say made Sho otomaticly stare at her in disgust.


Upi of course anoyed with his words but Sho dont care focusing to fill the question from his japanese book. But when he reach his water bottle he found it empty. He dont have a choice and buy a new one.

"Sho where are you going?"

Ask Toro who seeing him standing from his chair.

"Buy some water, I'm thirsty."

""We come!""

Say Upi and Amu at the same time forget with their question and grudge to him because their curiousity lost from their hungry belly.

"Kiki, Toro want to come with us?"

Kiki who need a pencil and Toro who just realize he don't have his ruler come too even tough actualy they are lazy to go. They went to the canteen and were about to return to their class when a beautiful white-haired woman who seen talking to Mr. Eko and Mr. Noame caught their attention.

The three of them looked familiar with each other. She's tall, has long white hair and looks sexy even though her clothes can be said to be modest. The woman was hugging Mr. Noame and Mr. Noame didn't seem uncomfortable at all, instead rubbing his head like a scene in a K drama. Not long after, the principal came.

All of them surprised by this because Mr. Noame never seem close with anyone, but he seemed angry at Mr. Eko because some misunderstanding that seemed to be related to this woman. Meanwhile, Shoto was surprised by something else because the person with Mr. Noame is Saori.

"What relationship she had with Mr Noame? They seem so close with each other."

Amu asked curiously while still record them with her phone.

"Who know? His girlfriend maybe?"

Kiki's words like lightning in broad daylight for Shoto because for some reason he felt like he saw his girlfriend making out with another man and Shoto didn't like it. Even though Shoto aware that he and Saori don't have any relationship other than just doctor and patient also a friend.

"If that's true, Mr. Noame so lucky isn't he?"

Yes, that if it's true. But after Sho thought about it, weren't their ages too far apart? Also, Saori say she don't have a boyfriend because she was too busy. Why Shoto even consider it?! He don't want become Kiki no 2 and give her unnecesary head ache!! That disturbing!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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