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"Que mangeons-nous pour diner?" (What are we having for dinner?)

I looked up as the shadow of the youngest Leclerc came over my body. Arthur was standing over me, sunglasses slid up on top of his head.

"Euh, un pique-nique de nourriture. Des sandwichs, des fruits et quelques friandises." (Um, a picnic of food. Sandwiches, fruit and some sweets.) I had to squint my eyes to look up at him, the sun behind him shining brightly. "Et quelques boissons." (And some drinks.)

I couldn't tell if he smiled or not, the contrast from the sun was too much. "J'avais peur que tu me fasses cuisiner." (I was afraid you'd make me cook.) He laughed.

All of a sudden, something hit his arm and he turned in the direction it came from. "Personne ne te fera cuisiner, Art!" (No one will make you cook, Art!)

It was Stella who had thrown the object at him, I believe a plastic water bottle. Somehow, I had forgotten that all my cousin and Arthur did was fight. Maybe that was why Charles had told me not to invite his younger brother when I had mentioned inviting my cousin.

They'd known each other for nearly a decade now, from the time my cousins moved to Monaco in the first place. Stella was Arthur's age, a few years my junior, and they've always fought like siblings.

"Quel genre de boissons, Addie?" (What kind of drinks, Addie?) Giada called from her spot on one of the loungers.

Us girls had taken to sunbathing about an hour ago, trying to soak up the rest of the afternoon sun. It was driving Arthur crazy, he had just wanted to be swimming in the water, but we had given up the moment we sat down on these chairs. He kept acting like we all hadn't spent nearly two hours playing around in and out of the water surrounding us.

"Bières et cidres! Je pense que je me suis souvenu des favoris de tout le monde." (Beer and ciders! I think I remembered everyone's favorites.)

Cheers were heard from the area where the girls were laying, a few feet away from me. I couldn't help but smile at their reactions. I really needed this day. The past few months have been a whirlwind of emotions and chaos – I needed the calm of a day on the yacht with my friends.

I was surprised that Giada and Charlotte had agreed to both come considering they knew the other would be there. Apparently, they were fine being around each other even though they'd both dated the same guy one after the other.

Earlier today, when Arthur was busy fighting with Stella, Charlotte and Giada mentioned that at one point in their lives, it was hard to be friends with the other, but they eventually came to the realization that they missed having each other in their lives more. It was sweet really.

We also made a point to not mention the middle Leclerc brother, for various reasons.

I feel like I've been on a Charles detox these past couple of days.

He's been gone for a few days and I've barely heard from him. It has been blissful and pure torture at the same time. I think I had become so codependent on him since my breakup with Lando that him being upset with me and then heading off to Italy had thrown me for a loop. So, being so unplugged from him felt... therapeutic.

About an hour or so later and we were all nearly done eating our dinners. The meal had hit the spot and I'd definitely have to thank my mother for helping me make everything. She'd sent me with a rather larger cooler bag this morning along with the keys to the yacht. She was an angel.

"Quand a lieu la prochaine course?" (When is the next race?) Charlotte asked as she finished off her second beer of the night. I'm pretty sure she and I have been drinking the slowest out of the group.

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