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Suga: why are you silent doctor? Huh? What happened?

Doctor: sir , there is a bad new

Hobi: what?!

Doctor: Sir bad new is this that boss has lost a lot of blood from his body so he is so weak and we have to take him in life support.....

Tae: *crying* he will be alive right??

Doctor: sir look , we can't say anything right now....... He is lucky that the bullet didn't hit his heart.... We will give him 48 hours.... If he doesn't get his sense back in those 48 hours then...... I'm sorry sir....

Saying this the doctor went from there....

Tae:* broking down in cry... * No.... Please..... Yoongi hyung...... Please do something...na... Save him please....

Yoongi: * hugging tae* *crying* I'm sorry baby.... I can't do anything in this..... I'm helpless....

Time skip...

Here jk is in the life support.... Tae is here too... He is sitting on the chair besides jk's bed....and looking at jk ...he is having a fear . Fear of losing his love .... First doctor didn't allowed tae in the life support room but suga told the doctor to let tae in or.... So yeah the doctor allowed... Tae was sitting there.... Suddenly he got a message from a unknown number.....he furrowed his eyebrows then wiped his tears from his cheeks...and took his phone in his hand to check the message.... He opened the message and furrowed more ....

Unknown: Hello!! World!!!

Tae: Who are you?

Unknown: haha you don't know me?

Tae: No.

Unknown: No prob world... You will know me soon~

Tae: Who the hell are you!!! What do you want!!

Unknown: cool down, cool down....
I Want you...

Tae's hands started to trembling out of fear.... But he ignored all those and blocked the number then put his phone down

Time skips

It's been one day and half of 48 hours as it's already evening...... Tae has been beside jk's side all those time... He didn't eat nor gone to sleep....he didn't even moved a inch from his place... Hobi and yoongi is so worried for tae.... His condition is getting bad too... Is this goes like this then they have to buried two bodys one is jk's , and another one is tae's....

Some doctor's came into jk's room ... Tae looked up to them when one of the doctor called his name....

Doctor 1: sir can we please check on boss?

Tae: *nodding*

The doctor 1 checked on Jungkook and looked at the other doctors....

Doctor 2: what happened?

Doctor 1: there is no improvement in his health... He is not responding.... If this goes like this then we have to think that he is dea-

Tae: SHUT UP!!!!! YOU !!! *grabbing the doctor's coller* NOTHING WILL HAPPENED TO MY KOOK HYUNG... HE IS TOTALLY OK!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!

doctor 1: Y-yes.... I-I sorry s-sir.....

Tae: YOU ALL!!! GET OUT FROM HERE!!! GO!!!!!!!

they all went from there quickly...

Tae: *panting* *crying*......

Looking at jk

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