7- Mrs Shekhavat

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Haya Pov~

"Yes, you heard it right I wanna marry you, but it's not the real one. "

"What do you mean?"

"That bitch, that came today morning I really don't like her nor even want to marry her. My family forced me into this, that's why i went on a vacation switched off my phones to stay away some moments from my family. They set up this marriage for business purpose they never care about me. I built this whole empire by myself they never supported me but now suddenly from where they got interested in my business. And I don't wanna ruin that, since you're my PA you should obey my orders, and it's all will be a contract if you want. But you have to stay with me for one year after a year it's upto you. If you want to continue this marriage we will or otherwise we will get divorce."

"But why should I obey you?"

"Cz you have no option, either you obey me or leave this job and about this you already sign a contract in day one. "

Fuck haya, I didn't thought obeying his word will be that hard. Okay but what if I leave this job. I can apply for another one right yeah but what if they took time and doesn't pay me well. Haya you should try at least yeah.

"Don't you dare to try find another job. If you leave this job you're not gonna fine another one cz no one will be hire you, the only reason is that our office is well known not in Delhi only but internationally as well so people will ask you so many questions that why you kicked out from my office. So it's better to obey me."

Hmm seems like you don't have option you bitch.
"Listen you have to talk to my maa, ask her for permission. And then propose me for marriage nicely then I'll think about it."

Giving him a smirk I was ready to leave.
Then he stopped me
"you're not going anywhere, do you forgot what happened few minutes ago ?"

"I was going to washroom and our floor is safe right so you don't need to worry sir. And thank you so much."

Then I left for washroom. I don't know what happened to me the marriage proposal and the Raghav incident stupid jerk.

Then Arvind came to washroom too
"Here you're cloth you should change it okay. And after changing come to my office." I nodded and he left.
It was such a pretty

I quickly changed into this saree and went to his office room

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I quickly changed into this saree and went to his office room.
Then he told me about his family, his older brother Vivan whom his family trust the most, when Arvind born his mother died after 1 or 2 weeks from then they called him bad luck which is so cruel. His brother still support him which is good. But neither Arvind like his father nor his father like him, remaining his father's sister and brother always forced Arvind to do shitty things and the marriage proposal was their idea. So want to marry me in court where his brother and rakesh will be present and from my side ny maa.
Then we went to our apartment, I don't know what he said to my maa, she accepted our marriage. So he told me that he gonna marry after 2 days. So till then he give me leave to prepare my things. From now my aunt will stay with my maa since she is defusing to stay with me in Arvind's house.

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