Burning Pots

38 3 23

Jacob's POV

For the first time in a ten days I slept well last night after hearing her voice. I had been struggling to get enough sleep since the last time I saw her, but I didn't want to believe that I couldn't sleep because of a 5ft girl. It was ridiculous even thinking about it, for a few days I refused to even think about her; keeping myself busy and working myself to the bone.

My contract at the culinary school was over, they had tried to convince me to go back for three more months, but I couldn't. Besides the fact that my dedication was going into all my restaurants, this was my way of distancing myself from Amara.

Seeing her break down because of that sorry excuse of a man who doesn't deserve to be her father, I knew that I couldn't force her to trust me. Her daddy issues ran deeper than I initially thought, and then there was a possible heart break from the guy I have seen following her around like a love sick puppy.

How do I convince a woman who has been hurt by the one person who should have protected her from men? I wasn't afraid of a challenge and I loved her, but I have dated a woman who had such issues before and it ended badly.

Dating a woman with trust issues and not ready to face or let go of her past wasn't a child's play. The last woman I dated who had this kind of issues, threw her hurt at me every chance she got. I got blamed for pain I didn't inflict on her and paid for mistakes made for other men.

The relationship had been almost perfect the first three months, then when she struggled to understand the long hours I worked she started to doubt my whereabouts. She didn't trust me or any words I told her and called my sister or manager to verify that I was where I said I was.

I had wanted the relationship to work because we had a good thing going before her insecurities got in the way. For months on end I tried to make it work, assured her of my commitment to us, and for a while things would go back to normal. At least that was the impression I was under, until I found out she hired a PI to follow me hence everything looked normal.

Long story short the relationship ended and I told myself to try as much as I could to turn the other way when I encountered a woman with daddy issues and trust issues. Amara was different, I knew the first time I saw her that she would cause me trouble. I fell in love with how she went from tongue tied to sharp paws in just seconds.

I love how she wore her confidence like second skin, even her walk is full of sass and confidence. And don't get me started on how she moves around the kitchen! In my 29 years of existence, I have never gotten hard from just watching a woman move around the kitchen while wearing slacks.

Hearing her voice last night was enough to know that I wasn't ready to give up on her. I just need to find out how to win her trust,  and I hoped giving her so much trust with cooking my parents' anniversary meal showed her how much I trust her. When I found out I couldn't fly out last night, I couldn't think of a better person to take care of that.

My top chefs couldn't take care of this job because then the restaurants would be short staffed and in need of chefs. When Cameron told me Amara and her friends just walked into my fast food restaurant, a switch went on in my head and all I had to do was make her see her potential.

"Sir, we are about to land. Please wear your seatbelt." The only flight attendant on the jet said with a smile.

Putting away the book that I had been holding for the past hour, I obliged to the her words. Looking at my watch I realized that it was a little after 3PM, I would be home in two hours. I just needed to make short stop at my apartment to get sone essentials.

I can't wait to see her and take in her coconut scent.

More importantly, my parents didn't raise me to give up so easily.

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