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"My rage has subsided..." Mischa begins, beginning to whisper. "I am vulnerable now.." 

He clicks a remote-like thing that was in his hand, on the projected screen, it turns to a picture of a girl that I do not recall the name of.

"This.. is Yulia Tymoshenko. The most beautiful former prime minister of Ukraine, my girlfriend styles her hair the same way as Yulia." He continues. 

Well now the question of who the woman on the projector was became answered. Thanks Mischa. Suddenly the slide flips to show another girl, one that's in the field. I think this girl may be Talia. 

"My girlfriend: Natalia Muruska Bolinska." 

I was right, it was Talia. She doesn't look like what I thought she may look like, I thought she might've been blonde. I wasn't expecting her to look brunette. 

"My divine Talia... when I look into your almond eyes, I do not see the boy I am but the man that I must become to possess you..." He begins.

I want him to say that to me, I want him to call me divine. I know that it may seem bad but I envy Talia.. a lot. 

Suddenly we all went backstage and started quick changing, the girls putting on these silky white skirts and me and Ricky put on a red ribbon around our waist. Ocean had one of these ribbons around her neck, but it wasn't tied. If I had to make my guesses, this may be the Ukrainian cultural clothes? I may be wrong though. 

"I want to take all the pain from your soul, and in the passion factory of my heart transform it into functional joy. I want to take your hand by the Cheremosh River and with all Ukraine as witness take you as my wife." Mischa continues. 

I don't mind Talia, I have never minded her. But I really want Mischa to do that to me instead, I want him to take my hand. I want him to acknowledge me as not just a friend or another choir member, I want him to acknowledge me as his boyfriend. I want him to love me. 

"My perfect Talia... I lay my masculinity at the altar of your maidenhood.." 

We were singing about Talia, the choreography was nice. It was slow for a change, I feel like this kind of relates to Mischa's catchphrase a bit. The slowness of pace in the song. Yes I haven't forgotten his catchphrase yet, I am going to be remembering it forever. Anyways, the choreography, I think it was folk Ukrainian dancing. It's lovely, and later in the song it turned into a hip-hop type of music with a very all over the place choreography. BUT.. Mischa's belting before that part? Oh my GOD it was so good. 

At the end of the song, me and the rest of the choir was standing around Mischa. He was holding his phone, looking down at it. Probably hoping that he could get a signal of some kind. He is clearly lost in sadness. None of us speak, not knowing what to say. I decided to touch his shoulder, y 'know try to comfort him a bit? Suddenly Mischa hugs me, like a full on hug. At first it was so awkward but I got used to it after a few seconds. I just let him cry into my shoulder. Ocean was the first to speak up. 

"Look at us all... bonding! Not even thinking about who we will vote for. Cut down in our youth, we all died virgins." She says.

Suddenly a random spotlight goes over to Constance, and just shines on Constance as she looks around. 

"Constance?" Karnak starts.


"I just thought this was the perfect segue." He continues. 

"For what?.. I don't even know what you're talking about.." 

We all just stare at Constance, I don't really know what Karnak is trying to imply. Okay well, I do. But maybe Karnak just doesn't know what he's doing. He is only a carnival machine that can possess the power to bring one person back to life. There is no way that he can read into our personal lives... I am just going to ignore every time he dug into our personal lives so far.

"Not ready to divulge that information just yet?" Karnak still adds onto his point.

Honestly, Karnak is being a bit of a dickhead right now, trying to force information out of Constance that she might want to keep secret.

"..I don't.. Um.. Ocean! Why aren't you talking right now? It's weird!!" Constance manages to stutter out of her mouth. Standing up and pointing at Ocean as she says it. 

"You're right.. It is weird!" Ocean says.

Oh my god, now Ocean is going to go on a random rant that has nothing to do with the situation that we are in right now and it's going to be worthless information to us. I literally cannot be asked to listen to her going on and on about whatever she's picked this time.

And apparently.. she picked the topic "Why everyone should have a library card.". I, actually, do have a library card. I go there to get ideas on romance topics I can write. I'm a regular in the school's library AND the public library. Even the librarian knows my name and what books I like. I'm always kind to them and I follow the rules so sometimes they let me request a book for them to order in so I can take it out. 

Suddenly the world seems to speed up, I think it may have been Karnak's doing. But atleast now I don't have to spend over 10 minutes listening to her talking about library cards. 


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