
144 1 38

ZolarSavior has changed the group name to 'TheQueerness'

Water: this is gonna change everyday, isn't it?

ZolarSavior: yup! Just more ways to target Noel

ZolarSavior deleted a message

ZolarSavior: yup!

Monique: wow. And I thought I was your friend 😭

ZolarSavior: not me just realizing Ocean didn't deny she had a bit of fruitness in her when I changed the groups name two days ago

Water: ...

Water has went offline

ZolarSavior: OH SHIT

Monique<3: That was the LEAST thing I expected

BadEgg: Ginger hair is gay?

Monique<3: possibly

ZolarSavior: Noel I always wondered
How does it feel being the most hated gay man in Uranium?

Monique<3: In a country full of homophobics? I wear the fucking badge of honor.

Connie!: what about the rumors that you're dating Mischa?


BadEgg: HUH???

ZolarSavior: Guys, if you bite a snake and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous.

Penn: what if it bites me and it dies!?

Water: Then you're poisonous. Jesus christ, Penny, learn to listen.

Monique<3: what if it bites itself and I die?

BadEgg: That's voodoo

Connie!: what if it bites me and someone else dies?

Penn: that's correlation, not causation.

Monique<3: what if we bite each other and none of us dies?

Mischa: that's kinky

ZolarSavior: Oh My God HELP??

Water: None of you listened to any of you're biology classes, especially you Noel!

Monqiue<3: great, jump in a hole

Water: maybe I will.
When you start liking women

Penn: no holes shall be filled

ZolarSavior: that's what she said

Monqiue<3: this server is giving me a fucking migraine

Water: Then leave???

Monique<<3: great idea lemme just leave this gc and let Mischa just randomly appear in my house

Connie!: what-

BadEgg: :)

Monique<3: ...

Monique<3 has left the groupchat, bye-bye!

BadEgg: oh shit, he left

ZolarSavior: You're already in your car?

BadEgg: screw that I'm already half way there

Water: ????

Connie!: Mischa is checking on Noel

Water: I mean, yeah, I got that, but why??

ZolarSavior: Bc their Gay

BadEgg: he's crying, Noel stressed on work thingy

Water: he's stressed on that project??? It's easy, you just have to talk about the evolution of sexuailty, I bet it's easy for him

Connie!: Ocean! Did you forget??? He's grouped with Trevor and his friends! Their basically forcing him to everything and give them credit!

BadEgg: wtf

BadEgg has went offline

Water: oh..

Water, Connie, ZolarSavior and 1 more has went offline

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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