Chapter 12

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Abhinav's Pov

Kanvi she fainted. I carried her back to our room. Than I told Doctor about her condition. He told me medicine and told me to dress Kanvi's wound. And also told me massage the area which was swelled up. I hang up the call.

I did everything and after sometime she regained her conscious. And I felt relieved. I asked her wheather it's paining a lot. She shook her head.

And told me to sleep.

Now to worried for others my god.

Next morning

We woke up and went to the doc and he prescribed some medicines.

Time skip....

After 4 months.

Our exams were over and today we were going to our hometown.

Kanvi's Pov

We just reached the airport we boarded our flight and reached our hometown. Here all mine and Abhinav's family members were waiting for us.

As soon as Sahil bhaiya saw me he hugged me showered me with lots of kisses.

Than I met Abhinav's parents and Di too.

They asked about my health and I told them that I'm absolutely fine now.

Author's Pov

Kanvi was going to stay at her maternal house as her sisters came too. They both went to there respective homes. Here Kanvi got a heart warming welcome by her family and little ones. There Abhinav was also happy but he was missing Kanvi.

So in order to distract his mind he thought of joining cricket academy.
So he joined it.

Kanvi's Pov

Today I got to know that my nephew (Shivaay) wants to join cricket academy so I contacted my P. A. And asked him about the academy.

By night we got him admitted to the academy.

He asked me maasi will you please drop me and pick me from the academy.

I told how can I deny my sweet Baccha. Though Lakshya bhaiya told me not to but I being Kanvi did what I wanted to do.

So today from the morning Shivaay was very excited.

Today I made aaloo Paratha for him as he will be staying there for 3 hrs and he is a small kid so the coach adviced to give him a lunch box as well.

At sharp 4 pm we reached the academy I told him to take care of himself, not to talk to strangers and last but not the least I told him to finish the lunch box.

He nodded and smiled.

Now I came to my office everyone greeted me and I did my works. I was so engrossed in the work that I didn't came to know that it was already 6:30.

So now I went to one of our hotel and went directly to the kitchen and made cold coffee for my Shivaay.

Then I drove to the academy. Though I told him to call me once the practice is over but I just wanted to surprise him so I came a bit early.

Abhinav's Pov

Today I came to the academy after 4 months all my friends were shocked to see me but deep inside they were happy too.

Today I met a small boy named Shivaay some big boys were troubling him so I  went and saved him. He then offered me to become his friend and I accepted his offer gladly. He than offered me his lunch too. I took a bite and wow just wow it was so tasty.

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