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♫ It's you, it's always you
Met a lot of people, but nobody feels like you ♫

Anthoine Beaufoy POV

Natalie was never a kid who gave me many problems. She was rarely sick; she never needed to stay in the hospital, and she never needed surgery. Never has she broken something. But now here I am after waiting 4 hours to know how she is after a car accident. 

I've seen the videos and the pictures. I've heard nurses whispering that her condition wasn't good. I saw Charles with Lucas, and I felt relieved. That kid was my grandson and I knew Nat wouldn't want anything to happen to him. 

"How is she?" I was fearful of the answer, but I needed to know what had been taking so long.

"Her condition wasn't good; she probably got to the sidewalk due to the adrenaline, but her body collapsed. She had an injured wrist due to trying to control the car from hitting the wall on the right, but she had very extensive bleeding due to a big shard of glass from the windshield that broke in the impact," he explained calmly, and I am getting more worried as the explanation continued.

"Why are you mentioning her in the past tense? She is alive right?" I had to know, I needed to know my baby was still alive.

"We were able to stitch the cut and to stop the bleeding but it was serious enough for it to only stable half an hour ago. But we fear that she might need another treatment that we need authorization from you to do," he says, and I am instantly worried.

"What is it? I can authorize it if it's needed, do whatever you can to save her. I beg you, money is not a problem," I think I am starting to panic and I don't want that.

"Your daughter is pregnant. We don't know if she was aware, but we will probably need to perform a termination if her condition doesn't improve. She lost a lot of blood, and a miscarriage is very likely, she might die if she loses more blood, and it's a lot of stress on her body if she performs a miscarriage due to the stress or lack of conditions to continue the pregnancy."

And that's when I crumbled down. She was living her best life. She had a good job, a good boyfriend, and a good son; she has great friends and has created her own family. She didn't need any of this but yet here we are.

"I- I can't make that decision, she has a partner, and he is the one who should make it, I don't think I should intervene in that," I don't know what to do, but Charles is the one she is sharing her life with, he will know what to do. 

"They aren't married, he can't make health decisions in her name. We don't know when she will regain consciousness, it might take a few days."

"Just give me a few minutes," I ask him and he nods.

"I will come to the waiting room in 30 minutes, have your answer by then. I am sorry this is happening, the worst is taken care of but she needs to stay stable, this is for her own good."

I felt numb as I exited the room he had taken me into. I looked for Charles, and I called him over as Lucas still apparently slept.

"How is he?" I ask worriedly.

"He is fine; they did some exams and had to calm him down because he was apparently hysterical, but he is alright; he has some cuts from the glass. How is she? Is she okay?" He is panicking, I could see it.

"She hurt her wrist and must have some injuries from the airbag, but her biggest problem was bleeding from a glass from the windshield. It took a long time to stop the bleeding, and she only stabilized half an hour ago. They want me to make a medical decision, but I will do whatever you choose."

"I- She's your daughter, do whatever is best for her. I can't live without her, you know that. Lucas can't live without his mom. Everyone needs her here, whatever it is they need to do, just do it, please. I will pay whatever it is," he pleads and I feel a lump in my throat.

"She is pregnant, Charles. Due to the stress, her body will probably miscarry, and it would kill her since she isn't strong enough and she has lost a great deal of blood, they want to interrupt the pregnancy to avoid the risk. It's your decision to make, it's your child too," my words made him speechless and he sat down on the floor. 

"We didn't know. I didn't know. Oh God, I need a second," he ran to the bathroom and I felt my own stomach wanted to do the same. 

I didn't want to lose my daughter, but I sure as hell didn't want him to lose her and Lucas to go through that pain; he was there, and I know all he cared for was his wellbeing. 

"Anthoine, do whatever you have to do. If interrupting the pregnancy will keep her stable and alive, then do it. I can have another baby, and I can live with the family I have, but I can't live without her. Please, I can't lose her," his eyes were red and the tears were threatening to run down his cheeks as I hugged him.

"I know kid, I need her too. She will be fine," I comfort him and he nods as he steps back and wipes his tears.

"Just let me know when we can go see her, I need to see her at least," he asks and I nod.

I knew this was a tough choice to make, but she is my daughter; she is going to turn 25 this year, and she needs to stay alive. Even if it means interrupting a pregnancy she would very much want, we all would but her life matters more right now. But my heart breaks for all the things she will have to recover from. I kept her safe all her life and this is what got her hurt.

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