50|JH|[M]|Thigh Riding

486 8 1

Boyfriend Jongho x Girlfriend Reader

~My bias line series~

Smut|Short chapter|No plot|Thigh riding|Dry hump|Hand job|Mentioned of rough sex (Unprotected)

"Hey!Bro! You go there!" "Shot him!!" Jongho was completely engrossed in the intense game, shouting into the microphone and pounding on the keyboard with determination

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"Hey!Bro! You go there!" "Shot him!!" Jongho was completely engrossed in the intense game, shouting into the microphone and pounding on the keyboard with determination.

Oblivious to your presence, he focused all his attention on the screen. You found it impossible to look away from his thighs, usually concealed beneath long pants when he went out but now fully exposed in tight shorts.

As he leaned forward in nervous anticipation, his shorts rode up, revealing more of his bare skin and the well-defined muscles of his thighs. The sight was mesmerizing, and you couldn't help but imagine the sensation of running your hands over them even riding them.

"Jjong~" you called out to him, but he remained absorbed in the game. "Baby~~" you almost shouted, causing Jongho to startle and pause the game.

"What's wrong, babe?" he asked, turning to face you. You got up from the bed, wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and pulled away his headphones.

"When will you be finished?" you whispered softly in his ear. "Are you bored? I can play one more game and then we can spend time together, hm?" He took a sip of water and caressed your waist.

You shook your head, pouting. "No," you said firmly, leaning down to his ear, "You know what babe, I am fucking horny now." His eyes widened at your words and almost squirted.

"Hey, jongho, how are you doing?" "Ah...nothing...wait for a second." He muted his microphone and pulled you closer, whispered "My babe is horny, huh? Come here, open your legs wide." You sat on his lap and opened your legs, pressed against his thigh with your vagina.

"I know you're staring. You think I don't know, do you?" He pushed upward, giving a hard press on your vagina.


"Stay still, babe. Once the game is done, you can have my cock, hm?" He pecked at your cheek as you nodded. Wrapped around his neck, you started to rub against his thigh.You settled yourself on his lap, feeling the warmth radiating from his body with each subtle shift. The sensation was undeniably pleasant.

Gently swaying back and forth, the friction of his skin against your own sent shivers down your spine. Despite the microphone being on, you had to stifle the urge to let out a loud moan, instead releasing a soft, muffled sound.

"Shit..." Jongho was acutely aware of every sensation, causing him to bite his lip in anticipation. Your soft moans filled his ears, your warm breath tickled his neck, and your body pressed against his thigh... It was driving him to the brink of madness.

The gentle rubbing was no longer enough. Your movements became more intense, accompanied by heavy panting and fragmented groans.

Unable to resist any longer, Jongho bit his lip until it drew blood. His desire surged, his arousal evident. The urge to take you right then and there was almost unbearable.

You noticed his reaction and quickened the pace, teasing him further. Your hips swayed in a circular motion, applying just the right amount of pressure, intensifying the sensation. Pulling the hem of panties to the side, part of your vagina touched his skin directly.

"You slut..."He murmured and you threw your head at the back because of pleasure. "Who are you talking about?" His friend yelled too loud for you to hear, making you laugh. "No, nothing." Jongho whispered, his eyes locked on yours as you playfully pecked at his cheek.

But the desire burning between you demanded more. Your hand ventured down to his pants, finding his hardened length waiting for your touch. "My baby bear is horny, so hard~"

Lost in the moment, Jongho's typing grew frantic, his friends' voices fading into the background as he focused on the pleasure building within him. The coldness of your fingertips spread to his shaft, making him squirm and giving him goosebumps. Your hand moved up and down with a steady pace while your body kept rolling on his huge thigh. Being so close, juices flowed out, soaking your panties and his skin.

Shit! This sensation pushed him to the tip of edge; his rational was almost driven away by lust and the desire to fuck you. His mind was in chaos, filled with erotic fantasies─how you moaned underneath him, how your wet wall sucked him in, how delicious your juices taste like...

"WTF, Jongho! WHAT THE HELL!YOU MISS AGAIN!"The screaming of his friends slapped him back to reality. "I...Oh fuck..."Just as he was on the edge of losing control, you applied a firm pressure that nearly caused him to moan out loud, prompting him to stifle the sound with his hand.

"Hey...don't tell me you're fucking your girlfriend." "SHUT UP!" The words 'GAME OVER' appeared on the screen before Jongho finished his words. "You asshole! Can't you fuck girlfriend after the game? How horny are you that you can't wait to fuck her?" "None of your business! Let's play next time." Not waiting for their response, Jongho quit the game room and switched off the microphone.

"Jjong, I'm so close," you gasped, feeling the heat building in your core. "Shit, me too," he groaned in response, both of you throwing your heads back as waves of ecstasy washed over you.

"Fuck!" The intensity of the moment peaked as Jongho released onto his pants, while you also reached your climax, leaving a trail of wetness on his thigh and your underwear.

"Is it funny, huh?" "I don't mean to...sorry jjong." Breathless and flushed, you tried to apologize, but Jongho's stern expression silenced you. "You need to be punished," he declared, lifting you effortlessly and carrying you to the bed.

"No need for any preparation, right?" he teased, swiftly removing both your pants and underwear, revealing his own throbbing arousal.

"I will not be gentle this time." "OH FUCKKK!!!" He snapped into your ass before aiming at your wet pink cunt, reaching the deepest in one go and colliding your g spot without any error. You arched your back and a high-pitched scream left your lips.

"That's your punishment." He spanked you while thrusting so fast, so deep, so harsh.

"Count." "One." "Louder." "TWO...!!" His strength was no joke, just two slaps have left clear red marks on your butt. You closed your eyes tightly, biting your lips to hold back your screams. Yet, it was impossible. Soon, you were moaning and screaming messily, not caring who would hear them.

"Fuckkk...jjong...jongho....slow...down..." That's the only thing you said before passing out because of pleasure.


Hello I come back la~This is my bias line series (JH,SH,WY) All are short chapters and no plot as I want to change a new style. (The previous articles seemed too long, haha)

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