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The rest of my Friday went pretty smoothly, and Zayn actually agreed to meet me at my bus stop. With a lot of convincing, we decided that we would finish what was left of our history project at my house that night. I tried really hard not to think about the fact that this hot, mysterious boy was going to be inside my house while my mother was away at work, but the thought continuously crossed my mind throughout the rest of the school day.

At lunch, I was sitting outside at Beth's table with all of her friends, peeling an orange. Everyone was being their usual self and catching up with each other's recent activities.

I caught Zayn walking towards the parking lot with his lunch in his hands. He strode towards his old beat up car that I had learned to recognize over the last few days, sat down on the ground, and started eating.

I felt an urge to get up and sit with him since he was alone, but at the same time the thought made me nervous. We definitely weren't friends, he made that very clear, and he looked extremely pissed as usual. I didn't think it was really that smart of an idea to make him any more mad since he didn't seem to enjoy my presence already. But maybe all he needed was a friend to show him that they care.

Do I care about him? I asked myself. I couldn't deny that I was drawn to him in some weird way.

Definitely. No matter how hard you try to push these feelings out of your head and move on, you won't be able to do it this time, Jade.

All of the sudden, I felt a tap on my shoulder and it scared me so bad that I accidentally put too much pressure on the orange I was still peeling and it shot juice straight into my eye. I was so engrossed in my thoughts about Zayn that I didn't notice Niall who was hovering behind me.

"Oh, Jade I'm sorry! I just was wondering if I could sit next to ya," he said sheepishly, holding out his napkin so I could wipe my eye.

"Yeah, sure," I laughed, taking the napkin and dabbing my eye with it. I moved over the bench slightly to make more room for him to sit down.

Once Niall was seated, he smiled at me and began to eat. I glanced one more time at Zayn, who was staring at the ground and eating still. I decided to leave him as he was and stay there with my friends.

"So," Niall said, clearing his throat. Everyone at our table quieted down and gave him our attention.

"I'm throwing a back to school party tomorrow night. I know it's very short notice, but anyone who can come is welcome. I'm gonna talk to some more people and hopefully get some people to go," he said.

"Yeah I'm in!" A few people chimed in.

"Your parties are the sickest, Niall. Everybody's gonna be there so no worries man," one guy said. I think his name was Liam. He was holding hands with a stunning girl named Sophia, who was nodding in agreement.

Niall chuckled and continued, "Well alright, and if anyone doesn't want beer they can bring their own drink."

Everyone resumed their conversations. Niall and Beth were currently talking so I ate in silence since I didn't really have anyone else to talk to. My eyes drifted to where Zayn was sitting again, and he was now leaning back, resting his head against his car with his earphones in.

I studied him. His black hair wasn't up as it usually was, and it was falling in his face. His hard features seemed so relaxed and angelic as he closed his eyes and it almost amazed me how different he looked when he didn't have a cold glare plastered on his face. He had a strong jaw and chiseled cheekbones. His skin was fair but not pale where his shirt sleeve rose slightly, and from there down, his skin was a warm bronze color where he had probably gotten a tan over the summer. A tattoo sleeve covered one arm and I wished I could be closer to him and examine the intricate designs.

I was discovering over again how attractive he was. And not only was he attractive, but he was so mysterious. I liked it. There was a story to him that I didn't know, and someday I wanted him to tell me.

He suddenly opened his eyes and met them with mine. I should've looked away, but I didn't. For a moment, there was still no expression on his face as he looked back at me. He seemed normal in that moment.

Just then, Niall, who was next to me, called my name. I tore my eyes away from Zayn and looked at Niall's cheery smile. I smiled back. Then I glanced at Zayn one more time. His emotionless face turned into another glare. He looked once at Niall and then back at me, shaking his head, and then closed his eyes again.

"So Jade, you're coming to my party tomorrow, yeah?" He asked in his cute accent.

"Well, I actually don't know... My mom will be working-"

"Perfect! I can pick you up and sneak you back," he winked. I felt my cheeks get hot and I knew I was blushing.

"I'll look into it I guess," I told him. He smiled and I swear I saw his bright blue eyes twinkle.

"But Niall... I've never been to a party before," I admitted. It was true. I had never been to a party and never had alcohol. I was just never interested, or even invited to one. But something about the fact that a boy as cute as Niall was asking me to come to his party suddenly got my attention.

"Never ever?" He playfully gasped. "Well Jade, I'd be honored to escort you to your first party and guide you through the experience." My heart fluttered for a second.

"So what do ya say?" He asked.

"You know what? Why not?" I laughed. He held up his hand and I gave him a high five.

"Alright give me your number and I'll text you tomorrow sometime, yeah?"

"Yeah," I smiled. And for the first time that day, my thoughts finally left the mysterious boy. I found myself thinking about Niall, the nice and happy boy that was actually making me feel welcome here in this town for the first time, and how excited I was to get to know him.

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