Chapter 30

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Brynn Morgan

Copyright © 2023 by – Brynn Morgan – All Rights Reserved.
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"We are waiting here and doing absolutely nothing!" Lainie cried out. She got up in a fit of anger and walked over to the piano in the corner. Lainie lifted the lid and plopped down on the bench. She banged the keys angrily several times and received a stern look from her brother and questioning eyes from Bella and Emily. She was about to go mad waiting to hear from Clarrisa. Lainie had tried to catch up on some housework and other things, but Davis was on her last fucking nerve. He was so damn protective and would barely let them breathe. Her brother would not let them go anywhere without him, even to the bathroom that morning. Davis would not let them out of sight after the attack on Bella.

They sat in the living room that afternoon and waited for the phone to ring. Davis was at the desk looking up articles on spiritual warfare; Bella was playing chess with Emily. Davis was lost in his thoughts. He could fight a human. Davis could shoot and kill in war and had many times; He had served four tours of duty, but this? Davis did not know what to do. He did not know how to fight against it or destroy it. Davis felt as helpless as Lainie and Emily were. There had to be a way to get rid of it. He was sensible; Davis could figure things out, but this time he was lost. Davis was at a loss with all the articles he was reading about exorcisms, seances, and the like. He was furious, So, fucking angry. Davis wanted to hit something, and he wanted to hit it hard. He thought that it would make him feel better if he could. Davis felt like they were an open target, and this thing could attack how it chose and when it chose to do so. And all that they could do was sit helpless, like its prey, and wait to be ambushed. This thing... this piece of shit had attacked Bella, used her voice to communicate death! It had struck everyone that he cared for ... Lainie, Bella ... he looked at Emily, concentrating hard on her next move; her hair was down and was very red now, and the strands brushed her shoulders; she bit down on her lower full lip while she strategized. Davis breathed deeply and sighed. He cared for her, too, more than he cared to admit. Davis had not allowed anyone in since Brianna. She broke his heart, and he swore that that was it! Davis was not going to fall for a woman again. He would do the date thing, but as far as marriage? No sir. That woman broke his heart very badly, and Davis did not think he would ever recover from that, but now? He felt helpless. Davis felt something for Emily, too. She seemed so fragile and made of glass, that she would shatter all to pieces if mishandled. He thought about that kiss on the porch the other night and how her bare leg wrapped around his waist. Emily's skin felt so soft. Her lips ... damn, those beautiful lips!! Davis wanted to devour her but did not want to scare her off either. Emily was like a skittish doe. Davis changed his thought pattern quickly. He was allowing himself to go down a road, exploring what he could have with Emily in the future, and he could not do that right now—the other night changed everything for him when that evil entity entered his house and took possession of Bella. He would protect his family at all costs. Davis would not let them out of his sight. He hoped and prayed that Clarrisa would call them soon and let them know that help was coming for them all.

Emily waited for Bella to move and looked at Clarrisa, sitting helplessly at the piano. She felt like she was the cause of all this happening to them. It terrified her. Had she unlocked something within those walls that had been sleeping all this time? Had her misery and gloom over the loss of Luke and her children resurrected this dark thing that now terrorized them? Was she the key that unlocked it and let it out? She sure as hell, hoped not, because that would wreck her. It truly would. To be the instrument that brought destruction to this family that she cared so much for.
Emily looked at Davis, and his eyes met hers. He had looked at her differently since the kiss. She could not get it out of her mind. To feel a man's arms around her once again, kissing her, desiring her. She felt like a woman again and had not felt like that in a very long time.

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